Automating Health Checks for Legacy NDS ® Carl Coleman Primary Support Engineer Novell, Inc. Martin Plouffe Primary Support Engineer Novell, Inc. David Stagg Primary Support Engineer Novell, Inc.
Vision…one Net A world where networks of all types—corporate and public, intranets, extranets, and the Internet—work together as one Net and securely connect employees, customers, suppliers, and partners across organizational boundaries Mission To solve complex business and technical challenges with Net business solutions that enable people, processes, and systems to work together and our customers to profit from the opportunities of a networked world
Our Goals Discuss and demonstrate existing tools for legacy Novell Directory Services ® (NDS) (pre-Novell eDirectory™) networks Explain the obituary process Provide you with options to effectively maintain healthy Directory Services Provide some disaster recovery tips Briefly introduce you to the ease of iMonitor
Presentation Agenda 1.Health Check concepts and processes Before eDirectory is installed in your tree 2.What is an Obituary? Explaining the obituary process 3.Scripting to automate the Health Check Before eDirectory is installed in your tree 4.The iMonitor Health Check intro After your first eDirectory server is installed 5.Q & A—Ask the Support Engineer
Your Benefits Tools and methods to check, maintain and prepare your existing systems for upgrade to eDirectory Comparison of existing legacy tools and methods with the greatly enhanced ease of use in NDS ® iMonitor Opportunity to discuss your environment and situations with Premium Support Engineers
Deployed Versions Novell eDirectory and NDS Product VersionBuild VersionPlatforms NetWare 5.1 SP4 (NDS 7)DS.nlm v7.57NetWare 5.1 NetWare 5.1 SP 4 (NDS 8)DS.nlm v8.79NetWare 5.1 eDirectory 8DS.nlm & DS.dlm v8.79NetWare 5.0,Win NT/2K eDirectory 8.5.xDS v85.23NetWare 5.x,Win,Solaris NetWare 6 (eDirectory 8.6)DS.nlm v NetWare 6 eDirectory 8.6.1DS v NW 5.1,NW 6,Win,Solaris,Linux NetWare 6 SP1 (eDirectory 8.6.2)DS.nlm v NetWare 6 eDirectory 8.6.2DS v103xx.xxNW 5.1,NW 6,Win,Solaris,Linux eDirectory 8.7DS v10410.xxNW 5.1,NW 6,Win,Solaris,Linux,AIX NDS eDirectory
Differences Between eDirectory and NDS NetWare 6 NetWare NDSeDirectory NOS directory focused on managing NetWare ® servers A cross-platform, scalable, standards-based directory used for managing identities that span all aspects of the network—eDirectory is the foundation for eBusiness NetWare 5
Part 1 The Health Check
Part 1—The Health Check What is a Health Check? Why do a Health Check? When to do a Health Check Health Check requirements How to do a Health Check For the purposes of this presentation the term “Health Check” applies to Directory Services
What Is a Health Check Proactive troubleshooting Preventative maintenance Monitoring processes within NDS
Why Do a Health Check Stability Efficiency Reliability Prevention Diagnose problems Identify potential problems
Health Check Decision Factors Health Check types Basic Complete Environment Static Dynamic
Health Check Types—Basic Basic Health Check NDS version check Time synchronization Partition continuity
Health Check Types—Complete A complete Health Check is a basic Health Check, plus the checking of Background processes External references Obituaries Remote server IDs Unknown objects Schema synchronization
Health Check—Static Tree Static tree Minimal routine changes Minimal adding or deleting of user objects Create or change partitions only a couple times a year Add or remove servers only a couple times a year
Health Check—Dynamic Tree Dynamic tree Tree under constant change Adding many users Adding/upgrading servers Adding OS versions (NT, NW, Linux, Solaris) Company reorganization Creating/deleting partitions Moving objects to new contexts
When?—The Environment Rule WHEN ??? Large tree/dynamic environment Basic check—daily Complete check—weekly Large tree/static environment Basic check—weekly Complete check—monthly
When?—The Change Rule WHEN ??? Do a complete Health Check before and after ANY major change Adding or removing a server Upgrading a server to a newer OS Upgrading eDirectory to a newer version on a server Adding, removing or moving partition replicas
Health Check Requirements Assumptions (dangerous to assume but…) It is assumed that you have knowledge of your tree structure, network resources, WAN topology, network locations and the physical layout and server placement It is also assumed that you have supervisor access to the [Root] object If you do not have the above information, it may be time for some additional research
Health Check Tools Legacy NDS tools NNDS Manager DDSREPAIR DDSTrace SET commands DDSTRACE.NLM DDSDIAG DDSBROWSE eDirectory tools NNDS iMonitor (shown later)
Basic Health Check Steps Basic health check DS versions DSREPAIR.NLM NDS Manager DSDIAG.NLM Time synchronization DSREPAIR.NLM DSDIAG.NLM Partition continuity NDS Manager DSTRACE.NLM SET DSTRACE DSDIAG.NLM
DS Versions—NDS Manager
View Tree|Object|Preferences
Time Synchronization—DSREPAIR.NLM
Replica depth -1=Holds no replica 0=Holds [Root]
Partition Continuity—NDS Manager
List of all servers holding a replica
Partition Continuity—DSTRACE.NLM
Partition namePartition continuity successful
Partition Continuity—SET DSTRACE SET DSTRACE=+S SET DSTRACE=*H Partition name Partition continuity successful
Complete Health Check Steps Includes a Basic Health Check and Checking background processes External references Obituaries Remote server IDs Unknown objects Schema synchronization Limber and other background processes
External References or XRefs Pointer to an object that doesn’t exist in a replica on this server but does exist in a replica on another server Static XREF Group membership - Trustee assignment Dynamic XREF Login at a server –XREF to another server Automatically deleted after a 192 hrs (settable)
External References LOAD DSRepair | Advanced Options | Check External References
Obituaries Load DSREPAIR –A | Advanced Options | Check External References
Remote Server IDs Load DSREPAIR | Advanced … | Servers … | <a server> | Repair All...
Unknown Objects Yellow circle in NDS or eDirectory IIndicates an object is missing a mandatory attribute Can appear after an upgrade If you delete a mandatory attribute If NDS or eDirectory has become corrupted OOften resolve themselves—but the number of objects often indicate the overall health of the tree Unknown Objects should RARELY be DELETED Identify the true problem first
A lack of “?” objects is not a definite indication of NO unknown objects— you are only checking the replica on one server If you have “?” objects and you delete the object and it reappears—Replica Ring Mismatch Occurs when one replica contains an NDS object that another replica doesn’t have
Verify that all servers are running the same NDS schema Just because the replicas are in sync doesn’t mean that the schemas are in sync Schema Synchronization
Background Status Check To check current background status on a single server use the following DSTRACE setting SET DSTRACE=*ST This parameter will report on the current status of external reference, obituary, limber and schema background processes You may wish to capture the output to a log file for review
Part 2 What is an Obituary?
The Obituary process Obituary states (or Flags) Obituary types Obituary classifications Tools Part 2—What Is an Obituary?
An attribute placed on an object to identify and control changes made to that object There are four Obituary states (Flags) There are 13 Obituary types An Obituary Is
Demo The Obituary Process
Issued—This is the initial state which is assigned to the obituary when it is issued—it is designated by Flag = 0000 Notified—This state is used on Secondary Obituaries to indicate that the NDS server specified within the Obituary has been notified of the Primary Obituary—it is designated by Flag = 0001 OK To Purge—This state is assigned to the Obituary to indicate that it has reached the second stage of processing—it is designated by Flag = 0002 Purgeable—This state is used on Secondary Obituaries to indicate that the NDS server specified within the Obituary has been notified that the Obituary is Purgeable—it is designated by Flag = 0004 Obituary States
Restored—Used to designate an object that has been restored from a backup system, this obituary attribute will be found on the newly restored object—it is designated by Type = 0000 Dead—Used to designate an object that is being deleted, this obituary is assigned to the object that is being deleted—it is designated with by Type = 0001 Moved—Used to designate an object that is being moved to another name context, this obituary is assigned to a NON PRESENT version of the object that exists in the original name context—it is designated by Type = 0002 Obituary Types
Inhibit Move—Used to designate an object that has been moved from another name context, this obituary is assigned to the relocated object in its new name context—this should be on a PRESENT object. It is designated by Type = 0003 Old RDN—Used to designate an object whose Relative Distinguished Name has been changed, this obituary is assigned to the renamed object that has the new RDN—it is designated by Type = 0004 New RDN—Used to designate an object whose Relative Distinguished Name has been changed, this obituary is assigned to the NON PRESENT object that has the original RDN—it is designated by Type = 0005
Obituary Types Backlink—Used to identify an NDS Server which holds either an external reference or a replica of the object, this obituary is assigned to the object that has been assigned the primary obituary— These should always have a primary obituary. It is designated by Type = 0006 Tree Old RDN—Used to designate a partition root object whose Relative Distinguished Name has been changed, this obituary is assigned to the renamed partition root object that has the new RDN— It is designated by Type = 0007 Tree New RDN—Used to designate a partition root object whose Relative Distinguished Name has been changed, this obituary is assigned to the NON PRESENT object that has the original RDN—It is designated by Type = 0008
Obituary Types Purge All—Used internally only—It is designated by Type = 0009 Move Sub-Tree—Used to designate a partition root object that is being moved to another name context, this obituary is assigned to the partition root object that is being moved—It is designated by Type = 000A Moved From—Used so that if an object has been moved from a different user-created partition, its previous location is known to the NDS (This was new to NetWare 5) It is designated by Type = 000B Used By—Used to notify a user-created partition that references an external reference that the external reference is going to be deleted, moved, or renamed—It is designated by Type = 000C
Obituary Classifications All Obituaries are processed according to the Obituary classification There are four classes of Obituaries Only certain types of Obituaries can fall under certain classes
Obituary Classifications Primary Obituaries Restored Dead Moved New RDN Secondary Obituaries Used By Backlink Informational Obituaries Inhibit Move Moved From Old RDN Tree Old RDN Special Case Obituaries Tree New RDN Purge All Move Sub-Tree
Tools and Utilities The following are tools and utilities that will report or show objects with an Obituary attribute DSREPAIR DSBROWSE DSDIAG iMonitor
What’s Involved Background processes NDS Replica Synchronization process NDS Janitor Process NDS Replica Purge Process Object attributes Transitive vector\Synchronized Up To Obituary Attribute Replica Attribute Backlink Attribute (NetWare 4.x or 5.x Trees) Used By Attribute (NetWare 5.x Tree) Purge Vector Note : In eDirectory 8.6.0, Obituary Vector replaces the Purge Vector
Background Processes All of the processing of an Obituary is handled by the NDS Replica Synchronization process and the Janitor Process At the point the Obituary is changed to a Purgeable state, the Janitor Process removes the Obituary attribute from the entry The next Purger Process cycle will remove the entry from the local database Obituaries will only be purged, if the Modification Time Stamp of the PURGABLE obituary is OLDER then the timestamp value recorded for the Purge Vector attribute, for each server replica number used in the Transitive Vector (TV) The purpose of this attribute is to prevent Obituaries being purged before all replicas have been notified about it
Part 3 Scripting the Health Check
Part 3—Scripting the Health Check Tools for Health Check Tools for server automation Advantages and limitations of each Methods to automate the Health Check steps Automation examples Getting the reports Some disaster recovery tips and tricks
Tools for Health Check NDS Manager No major updates since NetWare 4.x Graphical interface on workstation No automation or reporting ability DSTrace screen and log file Can be difficult to understand, no built in help Complex settings and information displayed
Tools for Health Check DSRepair.nlm Server-centric Requires keyboard entry DSDiag.nlm (Last update 6 Jan 1999) Limited support (legacy tool) Requires keyboard entry
Tools for Server Automation NCF Command scripts CRON.NLM Server scheduling STUFKEY.NLM Keyboard entry TOOLBOX.NLM Copy/move commands HRZIP.NLM Server ZIP and unZIP tool
Tools Available—Links CRON.NLM h TOOLBOX.NLM h STUFKEY.NLM h h HRZIP/HRUNZIP.NLM IIn the extra files—TUT333.ZIP
Other Tools ??? On-site Admin Pro Not a supported tool Limited availability Batch files on workstation Requires workstation Third-party software Extra costs NDS iMonitor with eDirectory
Methods of Automation 1. Identify steps to complete tasks 2. Create STUFFKEY scripts and test 3. Deploy scripts to servers 4. Schedule processes in CRONTAB 5. Create TOOLBOX NCF scripts Rename report files Copy files to central server 6. Later you can review reports Identify and resolve any errors
Disaster Recovery Tips and Tricks While you are automating, add some disaster recovery and routine maintenance steps Schedule daily, weekly or monthly DSREPAIR –RC—Grab a DIB (before backups?) TRUSTBAR—Each volume to backup trustees TOOLBOX PURGE script to remove deleted files CONFIG /DS—Create server configuration file Copy Server configuration files to a central storage server Copy server logs to a central log server
Demo Sample Automation Processes
Part 4 The NDS iMonitor Way
This section is a brief look at NDS iMonitor These slides are courtesy of the eDirectory Core Team Check out session IO 216—Introduction to NDS ® iMonitor for full details NDS iMonitor
iMonitor provides efficient, anytime, anyplace monitoring and diagnostic capability to all servers in your eDirectory tree NDS iMonitor
NDS iMonitor 1 Feature Overview Agent health summary Synchronization information Known servers Agent process status Hyperlinked NDS trace Agent configuration Agent triggers Agent synchronization Database cache Partition list Object/schema browser Agent information NDS repair Agent activity and verb statistics Error information eDirectory 8.5 (build version 85.xx or greater)
Enhanced usability\human factors Agent health checks DirXML™ monitor Search Reports Obituary Agent information Custom Enhanced NDS repair Agent configuration Replication filters Object browse Entry synchronization Schema synchronization list NDS iMonitor 1.5 Feature Overview eDirectory 8.5 (build version 85.xx or greater)
NDS iMonitor 1.5 Feature Overview eDirectory 8.6 (build version xx or greater) Agent configuration Schema synchronization Agent activity Synchronization activity Change cache browse Object browse Send entry to all replicas External references Agent information System level entries (schema root, pseudo server) Free Upgrade to iMonitor 1.5 for eDirectory 8.5 users “Novell eDirectory” Section
NDS iMonitor 2 Feature Overview Enhanced usability/human factors Shared HTTP stack Reports Object statistics Advertising Tree-wide health checks Connection monitor Inbound connections Outbound connections Identities Contexts Iterations Bad addresses eDirectory 8.7 (build version xx or greater)
NDS iMonitor 2 Feature Overview Event monitor Event statistics Event registration Event rights Event trace Expanded NDS trace Full system level entry browse (Pseudo server, schema root) eDirectory 8.7 (build version xx or greater)
Manage eDirectory Two iMonitor links registered under Manage eDirectory NetWare Remote Manager Integration
Anatomy of an NDS iMonitor Page Navigator frame Assistant frame Data frame Replica frame
The eDirectory Utility Knife Multiple tools in one You don’t leave the tool to go to another one You don’t have to access several different servers Agent Summary Agent Configuration NDS Trace NDS Repair DirXML ™ Tools Report Tool Search Tool Agent Health Object and Schema Browse Agent Synchronization Partition List Known Servers Agent Process Status Agent Activity, Verb and Event Statistics Plus: Inbound and Outbound Connection Monitor Error Information
Health Summary
Server Synchronization Replica filters Replica type
Replica Synchronization
Agent Health—Replica Check
Schema sync Obituaries External references Limber status Repair status Agent Process Status
DS Trace Configuration set dstrace=on set dstrace=+sync set dstrace=+misc set dstrace=+buffers set dstrace=+janit set dstrace=+init set dstrace=+obit set dstrace=+dsa set ttf=on set dstrace=*r
Links to NDS agent information
Agent Information Connection information eDirectory build number eDirectory ping Address reversal IP ping Referral information
Links to error information
Error Information Error descriptions Possible causes Troubleshooting actions Link to latest Novell documentation, TIDs, and white papers Index of errors
NDS Repair
NDS Repair as a Scheduled Event
Server versions Time synchronization Obituaries Service advertising Object statistics Agent health (agent and tree-wide) User-defined Scheduled reports More to come Reports
Server versions Time synchronization Obituaries Service advertising Object statistics Agent health (agent and tree-wide) User-defined Scheduled reports More to come Reports
By proxy NetWare 4.11 NDS 6.xx NetWare 5.1 eDirectory NT/Win2k eDirectory NetWare 5 SP4 eDirectory Solaris eDirectory NDS iMonitor NT Server eDirectory NetWare 5 NDS 7.xx Direct NDS iMonitor iMonitor Modes of Operation
Not every server in the tree must be running NDS iMonitor Only one server is required to be upgraded Single point of access for dial-in Accesses NDS iMonitor over a slower-speed link while NDS iMonitor accesses DS information over higher-speed links Makes previous NDS version information accessible Server-centric features only available where NDS iMonitor is installed NetWare 5.1 eDirectory NetWare 4.11 NDS 6.xx NetWare 5 eDirectory NetWare 5 NDS 7.xx NT/Win2k eDirectory Solaris eDirectory NDS iMonitor Proxy Mode
NetWare 4.11 NDS 6.xx NetWare 5.1 eDirectory NDS i Monitor NT/Win2k eDirectory NetWare 5 eDirectory NDS i Monitor Solaris eDirectory NDS i Monitor NT/Win2k eDirectory NetWare 5 NDS 7.xx Full server-centric feature set Reduced network bandwidth (faster access) Access by proxy still available for all versions of NDS Direct Mode
NDS iMonitor Requirements eDirectory 85.x or higher on at least one supported server in the Tree Browser support HTML 3 browsers Netscape 4.06 or higher IE 4 or higher Monitorable NDS and eDirectory versions NetWare 4.11 NDS or higher eDirectory for NT/Win2K all versions eDirectory for Solaris all versions All other eDirectory platform releases
Other NDS iMonitor Sessions IO104—Using the Web-Based Management Utilities in NetWare 6 IO 216—Introduction to NDS iMonitor TUT229—Practical NDS iMonitor: Case Studies in eDirectory Diagnosis TUT331—eDirectory in Depth TUT200—Hands-On: Utilizing the New Features and Tools in NetWare 6 TUT231—Tips and Tricks for Using eDirectory Utilities
Part 5 Ask the Support Engineer