Purpose of the Presentation To give a brief overview on implementation framework on Vision 2010 & a Programme of Action on Social Cohesion. 3
INTRODUCTION The release of “A Nation in the Making: discussion document on macro-social trends in South Africa” in 2006, has firmly placed the promotion of social cohesion, nation-building and national identity on the agenda of government. The Cabinet Lekgotla mandated the FOSAD Social Sector Cluster to develop a strategy for strengthening social cohesion in preparation for hosting the FIFA 2010 World Cup. The proposed implementation framework on Vision 2010 and Programme of Action on Social Cohesion takes into account the dialectical relationship between the improvement of material and social conditions and the strengthening of human solidarity and social cohesion. This has been identified as of critical importance in the draft macro-social strategy developed by the Social Sector Cluster and approved by the Cabinet Lekgotla in The strategy provides a set of proposed government interventions and partnerships with communities and other stakeholders. 4
IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK OBJECTIVES The proposed strategic implementation framework on Vision 2010 and social cohesion seeks to attain the following objectives: Promote social cohesion, nation-building and national identity Eliminate poverty, unemployment and other symptoms of underdevelopment. Eliminate racism, xenophobia and intolerance Create a sustainable, conducive socio-economic environment for hosting the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Develop and sustain legacy programmes. 5
UNDERLYING ASPECTS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK The implementation framework on Vision 2010 and social cohesion seeks to address two basic problems. The first challenge is social fragmentation at the level of communities manifesting itself in various ways, such as: high levels of domestic violence, criminality, teenage pregnancy, decline in social values as well as declining levels of social solidarity etc. There is a general consensus that manifestations of social fragmentation are largely prevalent in communities that are predominantly poor. Focus will have to be deliberately on socio-spatial spaces in which the poor predominate. The strategy also seeks to address itself to the second challenge of building and upgrading social infrastructure in communities. An intensification of existing government programmes for poverty eradication and the realization of national unity and social cohesion. 6
Social Mobilization Campaign and Programme. Basic premise: Programmes and projects to address non material aspects (such as patriotism, tolerance, mutual respect, self & national identity and human solidarity). Active participation by communities in building a better society, enjoyment and protection of democracy. 7
National Dialogue Towards 2010 Focus of the dialogue: An assessment of the quality of individual and collective responsibilities at community level. Raise consciousness on the need to balance citizens’ rights with responsibilities and steer away from the overemphasis on entitlements. Conversations initiated by the National Heritage Council (NHC) around perspectives of UBUNTU with a view to integrate positive values of UBUNTU to Social Transformation Conversations. 8
Critical issues for discussion National dialogue should include but not limited to the following issues: 1)How do we, as a collective, promote positive values of social cohesion (human solidarity, and other positive value? 2)How do we build and strengthen social institutions (the religious institutions, family, schools, community policing forums etc) as spaces where positive values are reproduced? 3)What values and norms should be promoted by social institutions in order to ensure a caring and sharing society? 4)How do we deal with the current tension and contradictions between a market-based competitive economic system and the desire for a caring, compassionate, fair and equitable society. 5)What type of South Africa do we desire to build? 6)What measures should be put in place to help us achieve our desired vision etc? 9
The Roll Out Plan & POA CampaignsActivitiesTime-FrameRole Players 1.Mobilization of communities on Social Cohesion & National Identity Campaigns 1.1.NATIONAL DIALOGUE CAMPAIGN AND ACTIVITIES. Facilitate dialogue about women on socioeconomic issues and gender equality. Conduct a series of radio and television talk shows on the significance of hosting2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa and to the rest of the African Continent. Branding and marketing of 2010 FIFA World Cup using cultural festivals (for example: Cape Town International Jazz Festival and Zindala Zombili Heritage Festivals-Rural festivals). Facilitate Legends tournament to promote national identity and social cohesion. Conduct campaigns on National Symbols (including Sport symbols and emblems), National Pledge as well as the Bill of Responsibilities as part of promoting the South African national identity. Educate communities through various activities including the development of information materials, radio and television talk shows on Racism, Non-Racism/Anti-Racism, Affirmative Action, Employment Equity and Xenophobia. Facilitate SADC Youth Indaba. Conduct an exhibition of flags, anthems and coat of arms of all countries in the African Union as part of celebration of African Identity and the Advancement of the African Renaissance concept. Facilitate leadership and training programmes in communities in all capacity development areas including sports and recreation, arts, culture, heritage and tourism development especially in communities around host cities and towns. Showcase rural girls games especially in communities around host cities & towns. Intensify Women’s arts and culture festivities. Facilitate conference of SADC Women in sports. Conduct national and provincial workshops/seminars as well as an annual Social Cohesion and National Identity Indaba. March 2008 April 2008 April June 2008 May August 2008 August October October Office of Gender Equality –Presidency; DOL;DSD; DAC, SRSA and other government departments, organs of civil society, corporate South Africa 10
The Roll Out Plan & POA. cont. CampaignsActivitiesTime-FrameRole Players Conduct awareness campaigns to educate the nation on the history and significance of national days in promoting National Identity and Social Cohesion. Facilitate Aerobic festival for the Aged. Mass displays (gymnastics and dances ). Intensify recruitment and training of volunteers for placement in communities in and around host cities and communities. Intensify and sustain national communication partnerships on 2010 FIFA World Cup to promote a sustainable, conducive socio- economic environment for hosting the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Creation of opportunities for people with disabilities in all spheres of 2010 preparations. Build Social Cohesion and National Identity campaigns around all national days October 2008 Nov Nov Dec Dec DOE, DAC and other governments departments SRSA,DSD, DAC and other government department GCIS,SRSA,DOC, other government departments and primary stakeholders. DSD, SRSA and other government departments. DAC and other government departments. 2.Social crime preventionSocial re-integrations programme on social crime prevention Conduct walk for peace and anti-women abuses Intensify education and awareness campaign on crime prevention especially in communities located in host cities and towns. Facilitate victim support (SAPS). Intensify sector policing in order to take policing closer to communities. Develop a South African survival kit/booklet containing the basics of South African Official languages. Intensify training on interpreting services in the official/foreign languages; translating and editing of official documents related to Enhance development of terminology on concepts such as national reconciliation, national unity, social cohesion including development of football terminology for the official African languages. Nov 2008 July 2008 Lead depts: SAPS, DOJ and other primary stakeholders DAC 11
The Roll Out Plan & POA. cont. CampaignsActivitiesTime-FrameRole Players 3.Legacy programmes Production of books, videos, dvd’s on the social history of host cities. Production of the history of various sports codes. Upgrading of existing sports, arts and culture infrastructure and development of new sports, recreation, arts and culture infrastructure (e.g. development of fan parks and public viewing areas) Development of stronger supporters clubs. Establishment Museum Of Modern African art. Establish research programme to continuously monitor and evaluate social cohesion. Promotion of the history of democracy and democratic values in South Africa June 2008 Nov 2008 April 2008 All Cluster depts and other primary stakeholders 4.African Legacy (Sport) Programmes Launch of the African Legacy Programme at the UN Summit. Other Legacy programmes include the Mali Manuscripts, African World Heritage Fund and Cinema in Africa. Initiate and enhance Sports, arts and culture for peace and development campaigns. Collaborate with the African Renaissance institute and other stakeholders in the fight against xenophobia and racism. September 2008 African countries 12
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