“Alone we can do little, together we can do so much.” –Helen Keller
Foster democratic values Challenge & change unjust institutions Build strong organizations Win issues that affect the common welfare Empower people and help them participate Communicate a vision of what is possible Fight racism and other forms of discrimination Have fun
1. Build relationships and networks that result in growing numbers of informed, active people. 1. Help build and carry out a shared vision, goals and strategy. 1. Help raise people and money. 1. Communicate a compelling message that moves people to understand and take action. 1. Be honest, open and accountable and help/expect others to contribute their best selves.
Introduce yourself & your purpose.Ask about their lives and background. Ask about their concerns & ideas about water quality and health. Make connections between what matters to them and what you are doing. Ask them to take specific action.
Identify 5 people you want to stay in touch with about KFTC and water quality issues. Talk with them about our work 4-6 times a year. Encourage them to join, vote and get involved. Share their ideas and feedback back to KFTC. Look for ways to learn and build your own leadership skills. Help strengthen KFTC by making a monthly contribution of any size.
GOAL: What do we want to achieve? RESEARCH What do we want/need to learn, document, find out? OUTREACH & ALLIES Who should we inform and involve? How? TACTICS What steps will we take to achieve our goals?
GOAL: What do we want to achieve? RESEARCH What do we need to learn, document and find out? TARGET Who has the power to give us what we want? OUTREACH & ALLIES Who should we inform and involve? How? MESSAGE What is the core message we want to communic ate and how? ORGANI- ZATION BUILDING How can we raise $, recruit members, build leaders and have fun? TACTICS What steps will we take to achieve our goals?
Story of self: I am a Kentuckian – a person like you with hopes and concerns. Story of us: I want what all people want - safe, good jobs, clean water and air, honest leaders, a better future. The threat: Describe the problems we face. The solution: Describe the change we need and actions people can take.