Human behavior evolution: Is this a legitimate field of scientific exploration? Controversial issues/arguments surrounding sociobiology: 1)No genes for behavior have ever been identified in humans 2)We don’t necessarily behave in a manner that increases our inclusive fitness 3)We behave in seemingly non-adaptive “purely altruistic” ways Adoption Giving blood 4)Sociobiology is a means to subvert social equity Eugenics: in US states had endorsed sterilization policies for the feeble minded Racism Justification of social stratification 5)Cultures are seemingly arbitrary
Human mating behaviors: Preference
Among people actively seeking a mate: Men tend to like younger women Women tend to like older men
Human mating behaviors: Preference Supply and demand
Birth control aside, male wealth increases opportunity
Yet in modern cultures, wealth is negatively correlated with number of offspring: Why?
Is female attractiveness is dependent on their reproductive potential?
Preference for number of partners by sex
Likelihood of intercourse by sex as a function of time known
Likelihood of intercourse as a function of intelligence
Is coercive sex a reproductive strategy?