Welcome to CM107 Unit 5 Seminar!
Unit 5 agenda Our seminar will focus on: Discussing expository writing Reviewing and discussing thesis statements Reviewing the rules for common grammatical and mechanical writing errors In this unit, we will discuss the following: Campbell found that the hero had to discover the ultimate strength inside himself or herself. While amulets and elixirs could help, they were not enough. True determination is inside the self. Our readings and discussion will focus on these ideas and help you to apply them to your own life and writing process.
The writing process Prewriting is absolutely necessary so that a writer can get some ideas down on paper. This helps with writer’s block, and also aids the writer in discovering which ideas to use and which ones to leave out. Thesis statements are sentences which sum up the main idea of a piece of writing. This course allows you to break the writing process down into individual steps so that writing a large assignment does not seem so intimidating. Let’s review!
Expository Writing Expository refers to writing that explains and clarifies an idea. You come across examples of expository writing every day: Magazine articles Newspaper articles s and memos Instruction manuals
What does expository writing look like? Academic assignments and essays often fall under the category of expository writing. Hallmarks of expository writing: Precisely- worded Focused around a central idea Logically sound (uses adequate support)
So, again, what is a thesis statement? Your thesis statement should be one or two sentences that clearly explain your paper's argument, focus or purpose and is found in your paper's introduction. Remember…
Thesis statements continued… A thesis statement should not be a moral or life lesson statement. The thesis should be your own original idea. Avoid using a cliché as a thesis statement. (or anywhere in your writing for that matter!) Your thesis statement is a sentence which identifies your topic and makes a comment about it.
Thesis statements continued… Thesis statements should not include the use of first person (I) or second person (you) point of view. Always use third person. DON’T USE I believe that healthcare should be universal. OR You and I know that health- care should be universal. USE Due to the current economic situation in our country, healthcare should be universally provided by our government.
Let’s remember… A thesis statement is your “what’s the point?” what you want your readers to know. the main idea you are trying to get across. your message. the point you want to make.
A thesis… Generally stated in a single sentence. Expresses an point of view, not a topic. Limits the topic. Indicates the kind of support to follow. Helps to organize the supporting material Is precisely worded. It does NOT announce by saying: I am going to tell you about….or My essay will explain ….
Some common errors… Subject/verb agreement Noun/pronoun agreement Comma splice Run-on sentence Spelling errors and failure to proofread (pay attention to the Word editor!)
How to fix it! Run-on sentences and comma splices take the same remedy. RUN-ON: The dog ran she went with it COMMA SPLICE: The dog ran, she went with it. Use a period and capital letter: The dog ran. She went with it. Use a comma and coordinating conjunction: The dog ran, and she went with it. In the case of closely related sentences, use a semi-colon: The dog ran; she went with it.
Agreement Errors Subject/verb errors and noun/pronoun errors can be corrected by choosing the correct replacement words. NOUN/PRONOUN ERROR: One student forgot their lunch. “One” is singular, and “their” is plural. It should be like this: “One student forgot her lunch.” SUBJECT/VERB ERROR: The girl by the swings want to leave. “Girl” is the singular subject and so needs the singular verb, “wants.” The girl by the swing wants to leave.
Any questions? We can discuss paragraphs, thesis statements, grammar/mechanics, APA, or anything else you would like.
Thank you for being with us today!