“Whether we bring our enemies to justice or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done” Purpose Six-Party Talks Research Questions Kristin Busacker Communications and Journalism Department University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Associate Professor Won Yong Jang Funded by Office of Research and Sponsored Program (ORSP). Kristin Busacker Communications and Journalism Department University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Associate Professor Won Yong Jang Funded by Office of Research and Sponsored Program (ORSP). The purpose of this study was to explore how media framing has been used in the AP news stories as a means to channel each dominant ideology and national interests into the public and the society. The Six-Party Talks aim to find a peaceful resolution to the security concerns that is free of nuclear weapons in a Korean Peninsula What are the perceptions (i.e., national images and roles) regarding “their” country as well as those about ‘our’ country? What national interest frames were used in media coverage? What news frames were used in news coverage by AP? Comparative Analysis of U.S. Press Coverage of the Six-party talks: Comparative Analysis of U.S. Press Coverage of the Six-party talks: The influence of the dominant ideology and national interests on the news about the six-party talks, reinforced by the journalistic propensity to cover conflict. Conclusion Communist Propaganda: Ideological Approach Democratic Propaganda: Hegemonic Framing “Inject false, misleading or slanted information into the media in order to influence the behavior of populations at home and abroad ” Advance its socialist goals as the Workers’ Party’s propaganda machine “…as functional for the status quo, serving as instruments for ideological mobilization of the society…” Method Samples were taken and reviewed from the news sources: Associated Press Data Analysis was done through Inductive Framing Analysis which it starts with loosely defined presuppositions of the frames and it aims to identify all the possible frames. Two ways this was conducted were: Computer-Assisted Text Analysis (Catpac) Content Analysis Table 1. Distribution of mentions of the Six-party Talks Table 2. National Interest Frames Table 3. Clusters Identified for the U.S. news agency CountriesImageRole North Korea USA South Korea China Japan Russia Very Negative Negative Very Positive Neutral None Very Strong Strong Weak/Strong FramesCooperativeThreateningConflicting North Korea USA South Korea China Japan Russia 35.8% 59.8% 86.9% 87.3% 63.8% 68.8% 33.1% 13.1% 3.3% 1.9% 1.3% None 31.1% 27.1% 9.8% 10.8% 35.0% 31.4% Cluster #Cluster themeKeywords Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Issue/ Common Interest Frames Conflict Frames/Attribution of Responsibility Frame The ‘North Korea frame’ /anti-communist ideology US, North Korea, China, Nuclear weapons, Nuclear programs, Six- party talks, US and North Korea, Hills, South Korea, Japan Sanctions, Negotiations, Aid, Security, Progress Results Theory