What do you want in a college? (Take notes)
How well did you read your assignment? Can you answer these questions? WHAT KIND OF COLLEGE …
Community college Offers an Associate ’ s degree and is usually non-residential?
RELIGIOUS This kind of college may require curfews for its students.
SINGLE-SEX This kind of college is often linked to a sister school and may result in better leadership skills.
ART COLLEGES Students expand their portfolios and market their skills as a result of attending this type of college
PUBLIC This type of college results in lower tuition fees for in-state students.
TECHNICAL This is the quickest way for students to get into the job market with a decent paying job
FOUR-YEAR This type of college offers at least a Bachelor ’ s degree.
CULINARY These are often linked with an art institute or a national or international group of schools
LIBERAL ARTS The typical student studies history, philosophy, literature and science, and isn ’ t sure what he wants to do.
RESEARCH INSTITUTE This type of college has very little student- faculty interaction.
DO YOU KNOW… The difference between a college and a university? COLLEGE has one major field of study (e.g. College of Business; College of Information) UNIVERSITY has many “colleges” in its program. Most that are called “colleges” only are LIBERAL ARTS colleges (unless it specifically says otherwise).
LOCATION URBAN Wide range of cultural events ample shopping diverse population RURAL OR SUBURBAN larger campus lots of green space.
LOCATION CONSIDER: Safety transportation weather jobs recreational opportunities special needs or interests
SIZE SMALLER individual attention; close relationships with faculty; take a real interest from first year have similar interests and values
SIZE LARGER countless activities; social groups can you handle the freedom and responsibility? faculty do not get to know you until junior year more majors and wider variety of fields fewer mentors and role models more diverse
ACADEMICS Majors – often changed several times Some require a 4 yr. commitment (nursing, architecture) Studying abroad Transitional programs
CAMPUS LIFE Free time – clubs, sports, environment as a whole should be engaging Do you like nature? Do you need to be creative and express yourself? How close to home do you want to be? Do you want to be able to go to sporting events? Sorority or fraternity? Intramurals? On-campus health or counseling centers programs for disabled students tutoring learning centers?