A language which is acceptable to a computer system is called a computer language or programming language and the process of writing instructions in such a language for an already planned program is called programming or coding. Basic of Computer & 'C' Programming1
Unit 1 COMPUTER LANGUAGE LECTURE – 5 The computer language classified into three categories:- Machine language Assembly language High-level language Basic of Computer & 'C' Programming2
Unit 1 COMPUTER LANGUAGE LECTURE – 5 Machine language:-A programming language which can be understood by a computer without using a translation program is called the machine language of the computer. It is normally written as string or binary Basic of Computer & 'C' Programming3
Unit 1 COMPUTER LANGUAGE LECTURE – 5 Assembly language:- A language which allows instructions and storage location to be represented by letter and symbols instead of numbers is called an assembly language or symbolic language. A program written in an assembly language is called an assembly language program or a symbolic program. Basic of Computer & 'C' Programming4
Unit 1 COMPUTER LANGUAGE LECTURE – 5 Assembler:-An assembler is a translator program which translates an assembly language program into its equivalent machine language program.. Assembly language program Input Assembler Output machine language program. Basic of Computer & 'C' Programming5
Unit 1 COMPUTER LANGUAGE LECTURE – 5 Compiler:-A compiler is a translator program which translates a high-level language program into its equivalent machine-language program. Basic of Computer & 'C' Programming6
Unit 1 COMPUTER LANGUAGE LECTURE – 5 Linker:-A linker is a software which takes multiple object program file (modules) of a S/W and fits them together to assemble them into the programs final executable form. Which is sometimes called a load module. Basic of Computer & 'C' Programming7
Unit 1 COMPUTER LANGUAGE LECTURE – 5 Interpreter:-An interpreter is a translator program which converts a high-level language program into its equivalent machine-language program. However, unlike a compiler which merely translates the entire source program into an object program and is not involved in its execution, an interpreter takes one statement of the source program translates if into machine language instructions and then immediately executes the resulting machine language instruction before taking the next statement for translation. No object program at the source program is generated by the interpreter. Basic of Computer & 'C' Programming8
Unit 1 COMPUTER LANGUAGE LECTURE – 5 Some HLL:- 1.Fortran:-It stand for formula translation. It is one of the oldest HLL. It was design to solve scientific & engineering problems. It was developed by John Backus & his team at IBM in COBOL:-Stands for common Business oriented language.. It was design in 1959 by Graee Hopper. 3.BASIC:- Stands for Beginners all purpose symbolic instruction code. It was developed in 1964 by John Kemeny & Thomas Kurtz. Basic of Computer & 'C' Programming9
Unit 1 COMPUTER LANGUAGE LECTURE – 5 4.PASCAL:-It was developed in 1971 by Professor Niclaus wirth. It based on the concepts associated with structured programming. His main objective was to develop a langage which can allow beginners to learn good problem solving and programming practices. Pascal was standardized by ANSI in C & C++:-It was developed in 1972 at AT & T Bell Lab by Dennis Ritchie and Brain Kerrighan. Basic of Computer & 'C' Programming10
Unit 1 COMPUTER LANGUAGE LECTURE – 5 Thanks Basic of Computer & 'C' Programming11