Linda A Headrick, MD, MS, FACP February 26, 2013
Brainstorm ideas for quality improvement learning strategies for health professions students Apply what is known about the characteristics of successful quality improvement curricula Determine barriers and facilitators, including engagement with the clinical enterprise
Examples of QI learning strategies to consider in the curriculum Strategies to implement QI learning for health professions students
1. Introduction (10 min) 2. Exercise #1: Goal & Strategies (25 min) 3. Exercise #2: Assessment (25 min) 4. Report out (35 min) 5. Exercise #3 & Discussion: Supports/Barriers (20 min) 6. Summary & Evaluation (5 min)
Continuum of Education in Quality and Safety Faculty Integration/Role Modeling Resident Demonstrated Basic Competency Medical School Graduate Applications Beginning Medical Student Foundation Concepts, Skills & Values
Focuses on basic rules Benefits from exposure to generic “rules” of improvement From Dreyfus & Dreyfus (1986), discussed in Armstrong et al 2012
Analyze a process in health care as seen through the patient’s eyes. Define quality improvement and the steps one would take to achieve improvement. Describe why an interprofessional approach is necessary for continuous improvement in health care. Demonstrate the ability to review a case of a medical error in a non-judgmental manner and identify potential root causes.
Interacts with and contextualizes rules; needs opportunities to apply rules in action Can be overwhelmed by the number and variation of elements in the situation Armstrong et al 2012
Analyze unwanted variation in health care outcomes and identify potential causes. Display skill in communication and collaborative work with health professionals from other disciplines. Identify and analyze significant patient safety concerns in clinical care settings and propose effective safety improvements. Apply QI principles and methods to improve a care process.
Combination of didactic and experiential learning Attention to outcomes Alignment with health system priorities & improvement efforts Continuous improvement of the educational experience itself
1.Reaction 2.(a) Modification of attitudes/ perceptions (b) Acquisition of knowledge/skills 3.Behavioral change 4.(a) Change in organizational practice (b) Benefits to patients/clients. Adaptation of Kirkpatrick (1967) by Barr et al, 2005
Choose your small group by level of learner 1. Novice 2. Advanced beginner (pre-licensure) 3. Advanced beginner (post-licensure)