Chapter 5 – Flexible Grouping in Success for All Learners Presenter: Darren Ellison
Overview Frequent movement from wholeclass/individual/base or random groups Careful planning and management Teaching social and collaborative skills
Individual, Small-Group, and Whole-Class Work Working with the whole class: The whole class is the setting for much _________________, and ____ ___ _______ _________ that contributes to a student’s sense of identity. Working alone: Individual work allows students to _________ ___ _______on their learning, and to ____ ________ ______. Teachers need to _______ _____ _____ for students to work individually at every stage of the learning and assessment process. Working in groups: Group work allows for greater student _________, teaches valuable _________ and _____ ______, and acknowledges “___ _______ __________ __ __________”
Tasks best done in groups: Tasks in which student thinking will be enriched by the contribution of _______ experiences and points of view Problem-solving tasks that require ______ _____ _______ Broad research tasks in which the group’s product can be a _________ of the information contributed by the members.
Flexible Grouping Base Groups – Heterogeneous (change every 4-6 weeks) – Small-group collaboration for group activities like: Listen-Think-Pair-Share, Co-op Co-op, Numbered- Heads-Together Random Groups – Out of base groups into random for activities like: Lab partners Peer-editing Think-pair-share
Group Configurations and Instructional Goals Whole Class Work Instructional Goals/Functions Learning Strategies Individual Work Group Work
Provides the learning community that fosters a sense of identity Facilitates direct instruction Provides a real audience Offers a stimulating setting for discussion
For discussion of classroom policies, development of assessment rubrics, and reflection on group processes For mini-lessons, films, and guest speakers For introducing and modelling learning strategies For student performances and presentations For analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and application of ideas
Class meetings Mini-discussion with whole-class audience SWIM/LAPS Anticipation Guides Note-Making Frames Graphic organizers Think sheets Response sheets Opinion lineups Think-Pair-Share KWL Plus
Provides students with time to revise their concepts in the face of new information Enables students to set and pursue individual goals Allows students to reflect on their learning and develop metacognition Allows students to express their learning in individual forms Provides time for conferences with the teacher
To access prior knowledge To integrate new information For self-assessment For individual reading, research, and writing
KWL Plus Focused Free-Write Learning logs Process Notes Preparation for presentations and performances Portfolios Individual learning projects
Allows for active learning Increases student talk and decreases teacher talk Allows students to express tentative understanding and talk their way through to consolidation of their ideas Stretches students’ thinking Teaches and reinforces social and collaborative skills Fosters tolerance and mutual support in a diverse community
To extend prior knowledge For peer teaching For building data bases For collaborative problem solving For extension activities
Collaborative Reading Word Cycle Numbered-Heads-Together Jigsaw Co-op Group learning projects Gallery Walk KWL Plus Listen-Think-Pair-Share Listen-Draw-Pair-Share LINK Word Splash Sort and Predict Concept Frame
Group Work: “Curriculum in Disguise” Curriculum
Cooperative Learning Enhances short and long- term memory and critical thinking Provides opportunities to discuss ideas, deepening understanding of new concepts and prior knowledge Enhances intercultural relations Examples: Co-op Co-op Jigsaw
Suggested Reading Classroom Connections Together We Learn: Small Group Learning Cooperative Learning The Cooperative Classroom: Social and Academic Activities