Owls by Declan
Owls are interesting animals. They are nocturnal birds. They are birds of prey,and they hunt mice,other birds,insects,and fish.
Owls use their sharp talons for hunting.Owls live in many different places like forests,deserts,canyons,and even Antarctica and Greenland.
Owls have very large eyes.They can see very well in the dark which helps them find their prey.They also hear very well which helps them find their prey too.
They have double the vertebrae in their necks as other birds. That's how they turn their heads all the way around. They can't move their eyes so that's why they have to turn their heads all the way around.
The mother lays eggs in the spring. She keeps them warm until they hatch. When they hatch the father brings the owlets food. Owls don’t build nests they use other birds’ nests or holes in trees.