February 26, 2015
Joseph Lynch Government Affairs Manager, Entergy Vermont Yankee, LLC (ENVY)
3 The focus of Entergy Vermont Yankee (VY) and its Employees continues to be our ongoing commitment to Safety. ◦ Nuclear, Radiological, Personal, Environmental, Public VY exited the NRC Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) and commenced the NRC decommissioning inspection program on January 20, Participated in the NRC Public Meeting on the Vermont Yankee Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR) on February 19, ◦ Public Comment Period ends March 23, 2015 NRC Staff Site Visit the Week of February 16 th including planned Inspection Activities. Removal of select support buildings underway.
VY has contracted the services of over 40 companies/contractors in support of pre-decommissioning work. Majority of the companies are local and Vermont-based including; ◦ LaRock & Son Escavating/Construction ◦ GPI Construction ◦ Renaud Brothers Construction ◦ Southern Vermont Engineering ◦ Bill Gilbert Plumbing ◦ A. L Tyler HVAC/Ventilation ◦ Gouger's Market & Deli Entergy has long standing relationships with local suppliers and services that will continue as project needs are identified. 4
5 Continued Compliance with the Settlement Agreement/MOU Decommissioning Preparation Activities ◦ System Draining/Lay-Up ◦ Building Power Removal to “Cold and Dark” ◦ Security Modifications Select Structure/Building Removal Ongoing Environmental Monitoring Establishment of Site Restoration Standards with the State of Vermont Construction of 2 nd ISFSI Pad Transferring Spent Fuel from Pool to Pad
Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (NDCAP) Stakeholder Outreach ◦ Speaking Engagements ◦ Community Involvement Tours for key stakeholders The Vermont Yankee Decommissioning website: ◦ 6