Chapter 21 -22 Notes Progressive Reforms. 1.People who wanted to reform (change) the government were called progressives. 2.In the late 1800s and early.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter Notes Progressive Reforms

1.People who wanted to reform (change) the government were called progressives. 2.In the late 1800s and early 1900s, many Americans wanted the government to be improved. Some government workers accepted kickbacks or bribes. 3.Boss Tweed was one of the worst corrupt New York City bosses. William Tweed

4.The spoils system was the name given to the act of giving government jobs to friends, not qualified people. This was also called patronage. 5.Civil Service jobs were improved because instead of patronage, people now had to take a test to get the job.

6.Journalists who exposed corruption and injustice were called muckrakers. 7.Upton Sinclair was a muckraker who wrote The Jungle. His book helped cause congress to pass the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act. 8.The primary system was created so people could vote to choose their parties candidate for election(think-survivor). Inside a meat packing plant

9.The 17 th amendment to the Constitution let people elect their senators and representatives. 10.Women who fought for the right to vote were called suffragists. 11.Elizabeth Stanton and Susan B. Anthony were two famous suffragists. Susan B. Anthony on the silver dollar

These suffragists march to try to get to vote

12. In 1919, the 19 th amendment was passed, this gave women the right to vote. 13.The 18 th amendment made alcohol illegal. This was known as prohibition. 14.Carrie Nation worked for prohibition. She would go into bars with an ax and smash the barrels.

15.Theodore Roosevelt was vice president. He became president when president William McKinley was assassinated. 16.Roosevelt helped workers get better treatment. 17.Roosevelt believed in conservation, the protection of natural resources. 18.Roosevelt created the National forests.

19.During the early 1900s, non white and immigrant Americans faced discrimination. 20.The U.S. purchased Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million. 21.Hawaii was annexed. It became a territory of the U.S. when people voted. 22.The U.S. entered into a war to help Cuba. Cuba wanted its independence from Spain. 23.Spain had a military base in the Phillipines. 24.Theodore Roosevelt led a group called the Rough Riders up San Juan Hill in Cuba. Spain surrendered. 25.Spain signed an armistice (peace agreement) to end the war. 26.The U.S. gained the Phillipines in the treaty that ended the Spanish- American War. 27.The U.S. helped Panama fight for its independence. When Panama won, it gave the U.S. land to build the Panama Canal. 28.The Panama Canal took 11 years to complete. Mosquitoes carried diseases, so the U.S. Sprayed insecticides to kill them.

W.E.B. Du Bois