1 Rock Talk: NIH Support of Biomedical Research NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding And Grants Administration Sally J. Rockey, Ph.D. NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research April 28, 2011
Research Project Grants - Applications, Awards, and Success Rates 2
R01-Equivalent Grants - Average Size 3
Distribution of Each Year’s New R01 Awards by Version
Awards of New, Unsolicited R01 Grants to New NIH Investigators
Investigators’ time-to-award. New, unsolicited R01 applications, by fiscal year of original A0 application.
R01-Equivalent Grants Funding Rates, by Gender and Type of Application 9
Table 1 Copyright © 2011 Academic Medicine. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.10 Sex Differences in Application, Success, and Funding Rates for NIH Extramural Programs Pohlhaus, Jennifer Reineke; Jiang, Hong; Wagner, Robin M.; Schaffer, Walter T.; Pinn, Vivian W. Academic Medicine. 86(6): , June doi: /ACM.0b013e ff
Table 3 Copyright © 2011 Academic Medicine. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.11 Sex Differences in Application, Success, and Funding Rates for NIH Extramural Programs Pohlhaus, Jennifer Reineke; Jiang, Hong; Wagner, Robin M.; Schaffer, Walter T.; Pinn, Vivian W. Academic Medicine. 86(6): , June doi: /ACM.0b013e ff
Race and Ethnicity of Reporting Principal Investigators on Research Project Grants
15 Distribution of FY2009 RPG Funding Across Institutions
Average Number of Competing and Non Competing RPG Awards per Contact PI per Year 16
Distribution of FY2009 RPG Support to Principal Investigators 17
Number of RPG Awards per PI – Top 20% 18
Distribution of Principal Investigators by Degree Type 19
Federal Funding and Institutions R+D Budgets The NSF Survey of Research and Development Expenditures at Universities and Colleges found that in FY2008, 63.3% of Biomedical R+D was federally financed. NIH funding as a percent of the Institution’s estimated grants and contracts budget (based on publically available financial reports): –33.5% % for the top 5 NIH funded Higher Education Institutions (all have Medical Schools) –77.1% % for the top 3 NIH funded Research Institutions –48.5% % for the top 5 NIH funded Land Grant Institutions –1.2%-1.8% for 2 Higher Education Institutions at the 50 th percentile of NIH funding 20
Tenure-track Status – MDs in Clinical Departments 21 Source: The Continued Evolution of Faculty Appointment and Tenure Policies at U.S. Medical Schools Bunton, Sarah A.; Mallon, William T. Academic Medicine. 82(3): , March Figure 3 Tenure status for full-time newly hired MD faculty in clinical departments at U.S. medical schools, in percentages, (Newly hired faculty are those at the rank of assistant professor and above hired in the previous year.)Source: AAMC Faculty Roster database.
Tenure-track Status – PhDs in Basic Science Dept. at Medical Schools 22 Source: The Continued Evolution of Faculty Appointment and Tenure Policies at U.S. Medical Schools Bunton, Sarah A.; Mallon, William T. Academic Medicine. 82(3): , March Figure 5 Tenure status for full-time newly hired PhD faculty in basic science departments at U.S. medical schools, in percent, (Newly hired faculty are those at the rank of assistant professor and above, hired in the previous year.)Source: AAMC Faculty Roster database.
Predoctoral Individual NRSA (F31) Predoctoral Individual MD/PhD NRSA (F30) Postdoctoral Institutional Training Grant (T32) Postdoctoral Institutional Training Grant (T32) Postdoctoral Individual NRSA (F32) Postdoctoral Individual NRSA (F32) Small Grant (R03) Research Project Grant (R01) Independent Scientist Award (K02) Independent Scientist Award (K02) Senior Scientist Award (K05 ) Senior Scientist Award (K05 ) Approx. Stage of Research Training and Development Mechanism of Support GRADUATE/MEDICALSTUDENT POSTDOCTORAL EARLY MIDDLE SENIOR CAREER Predoctoral Institutional Training Grant (T32) Predoctoral Institutional Training Grant (T32) NIH Pathway to Independence (PI) Award (K99/R00) Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K01) Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award (K08) Mentored Patient-Oriented RCDA (K23) Mentored Quantitative RCDA (K25) Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research (K24) Patient-Oriented Research (K24) Exploratory/Develop ment Grant (R21) Career Stages of Funding Programs *Graph represents a small sample of NIH funding mechanisms available. 23
Kirschstein-NRSA Training Grants and Fellowships - Numbers 24
Estimated Number of NIH-Supported Graduate Students Sources: NSF Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering and the NIH Data Book
Estimated Number of NIH-Supported Postdocs Sources: NSF Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering and the NIH Data Book
Average Age Of First-time R01-equivalent Principal Investigators By Degree 27
Career Development Awards 28
ROCK-TALK/ Get Connected to the Rock Talk Blog 29 I’m Tweeting!! “RockTalking”