Read over your class rules. Sign the poster. Get 6 index cards. (Use your own if you have them) Cut 5 of them in half. Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Flash cards On the whole index card, put the following information: Your first & last name Your period 1 term per card Abbreviations = yellow Roots = red Prefixes = blue Suffixes = green
The half cards will be for your terms. Quiz next Wed. CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention OSHA = Occupational Safety and Health Administration HOSA = Health Occupations Students of America OBRA = Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act SDS / MSDS = Safety Data Sheet / Materials Safety Data Sheet
-logy, -ology = study of, science of -eal = pertaining to a-, an- = without, lack of dys- = difficult, painful, bad path- (ia, o,y) = disease, abnormal condition
Get yesterday’s Health Center 21 Safety Worksheet Reminder of LEQs Unit Essential Question: Why is safety the responsibility of every health care worker? Why are proper body mechanics important? How does a health care worker use proper body mechanics? How does one safely transport / transfer a patient? What is the responsibility of OSHA?
Safety - Body Mechanics Health Center 21 Health Center 21