What is alcohol? *Alcohol is a Central Nervous System Depressant. *The first effect of alcohol is impairment of judgment. Mental faculties are affected before physical faculties.
The Great State of Texas
Texas Statistics Texas leads the nation in alcohol related fatalities and has held this title for several years. More people die on Texas roadways due to alcohol related crashes, than in any other state. One person is killed every 5 hours and someone is seriously injured every 20 minutes by a drunk driver.
2006 Texas Statistics The alcohol impaired fatality rate in Texas was 45%, while the national average was 32%. Texas had a total of 3,466 traffic fatalities. Out of that total, there were 1,544 fatal crashes due to alcohol impaired drivers. More than 55% of the impaired drivers involved in these fatality crashes had a BAC of.15 or greater.
Texas Statistics Texas leads the nation in alcohol related traffic fatalities. We also lead the nation in DWI arrests with an average of 90,000 arrests yearly. Four people are killed everyday in the State of Texas by a drunk driver. Impaired drivers with a BAC level of.08 or higher that were involved in a fatal crash are 8 times more likely to have a prior conviction for DWI than drivers with no alcohol.
*What does BAC stand for and what is it?
Blood Alcohol Concentration The number of grams of alcohol found in 100 milliliters of a person’s blood. *What is the BAC for DWI in the State of Texas? What is the definition of intoxicated as it applies here?
BAC and Intoxication A BAC of 0.08% is considered legally intoxicated (From Penal Code 49.01) in the State of Texas. Intoxicated means not having the normal use of mental or physical faculties by the introduction of alcohol or drugs into the body; or having a BAC of 0.08%.
Why Enforce DWI? Officer Schale with the Irving Police Dept. was waiting to assist motorists whom were following a drunk driver. The officer was sitting still and the drunk driver hit him at over 60 MPH.