Using wikis in education Diana Quinn
What is a wiki? Wiki - Hawaiian word meaning 'fast' –fast and easy to edit web pages for groups –parallel discussion –capacity to upload files
What is so great about a wiki? Anyone you want can edit wiki web pages through a browser –no special software required –No web master – alerts for edits Define who views and who edits Version control –Recover any version Add images and multimedia easily Low cost or free
Usage statistics
Wikis and collaboration Support online writing and communication Team project work Wikipedia –Web based encyclopedia –Free –Written collaboratively –voluneers
Approaches to wikis in education Who authors –Staff –Staff and students Staff establish A student or a student group has an area –Students Teacher- or student- centered?
Student writing Individuals –E-portfolios of work during degree Groups –Sharing knowledge Glossaries Content knowledge –Tasks – project, case, problem-based Demonstrate collaborative problem solving Effective communication Information literacy Records of who is writing what and when –Assessment of process (not just product)
Example Biology –University of Maryland -Two different levels of biology students are working together, and in groups, to create a wiki of relevant content knowledge. The aim is to help students appreciate the body of literature in the discipline. – Industrial design –Berkley - Industrial design. A wiki (Mediawiki) is used as a focus for a a industrial design problem. The skill of group brainstorming is explored in this project. You can see how the students went Berkey - User interfaces. A wiki for a class, with all student group work built into it Team skills – Penn State - a BUGE-like course (CAS 100B) supported by wikis (pb wiki). The class page and an example of how group/team skill development is supported in the learning of the chosen content Electronic portfolios – Wikis can also be used as electronic portfolios of student's work
Staff writing Course home pages Phils stuff CIS school help desk ( T&L centres –University of Calgary Wiki Sessional teaching strategies wiki
Where can I find wikis? Wikispaces Mediawiki pb wiki 'as easy as a peanut butter sandwich' twiki