Presented by the TAFE NSW – Industry Skills Unit, Ultimo TAFE NSW -Training and Education Support (TES) Hot topics Wed 1 st April 2009
Today’s discussion topics Welcome and round table introductions About the Training and Education Support portfolio Where are we located? Staff within the Industry Skills Unit, Ultimo Relationship to the national skills councils and state ITABs New ways of working between the ISUs and Institutes Supporting Institutes to build capability Current mentoring/support projects with Sydney Institute
About the TES portfolio Organisational chart This is us Industry Skills Unit, Ultimo
Where are we located? Industry Skills Unit, Ultimo, Level 2
Who is in our Industry Skills Unit, Ultimo? The Management team and the Education Program Managers RobwynMillerDirector Industry Skills Ultimo MarthaHendersonManager Industry Team AgnesVukovicManager Industry Team FujiD’SouzaManager Industry Team AlisonMakinManager Program Support PoppyLaisTeam Leader – Clerical JeannineAngilleyEducation Program Manager LeoDarbyEducation Program Manager TimDeinEducation Program Manager ConnieHartEducation Program Manager KateMooreEducation Program Manager NoelMunkmanEducation Program Manager BradfordPolakEducation Program Manager FrancoSalaunEducation Program Manager MaireSheehanEducation Program Manager AllanWetherellEducation Program Manager PeterWildeEducation Program Manager YvonneWilsonRelieving /Education Program Manager
Who is in our Industry Skills Unit ? The Education staff KerryDurrantProject Coordinator (CEO) DavidFrithProject Coordinator (CEO) SusanJeavonsProject Coordinator (CEO) BrankoKulevskiProject Coordinator (CEO) AnnetteO’NeilProject Coordinator (CEO) VictoriaReichProject Coordinator (CEO) KristinaSturmProject Coordinator (CEO) SaeedehFarzinProject Officer (SEO) SusanLayProject Officer (SEO) ChrisLeeProject Officer (SEO) NicolaPegumProject Officer (SEO) TraceySernack Chee QRelieving /Project Officer
Who is in our Industry Skills Unit ? The Administration staff PoppyL AIS Clerical Team Leader CarmenDEBSIEHA/Executive Assistant to Director PartapCHANDProject Support Officer PresanthiKOTALAWALAProject Support Officer AliceLIProject Support Officer ArnoMUSKAProject Support Officer Mary-AnneDUNCAN Project Support Officer. JocelynLARDIZABALProject Support Officer SeanTANGProject Support Officer BettyWONGProject Support Officer
We are now aligned to Industry skills councils (ISC’s) For example, the Industry Skills Unit, Ultimo has an Industry coverage, representing the following sectors: 1. Innovation and Business 2. Government – (Public Sector) 3. Transport and Logistics 4. Manufacturing Skills Australia (Automotive Industry Sector)
Our Industry sector coverage
Industry sectors we cover Industry Skills CouncilBroad Industry SectorsTraining Package Manufacturing Skills Australia ( MAS) Industry Skills Council Automotive Industries: Manufacturing buses Coaching and trailers Service and repair in automotive motor vehicles Motorcycles Marine Electrical Bicycles Automotive sales AUM08 Automotive Industry Manufacturing Training Package AUR05 Automotive Retail Service & Repair Training ackage Transport and Logistics Industry Skills Council Transport industries : Road, Rail, Maritime Warehousing Logistics Stevedoring Aviation TL107 (Previously TDT02)Transport and Logistics Training Package
Industry sector coverage
New ways of working Industry Skills Unit relationship toInstitutes Resource development Faster TP/Skill set development provides quick enrolment vehicle Faster response to support delivery New Model Training Programs/ validated assessment banks/resources to support the delivery of high risk & demand Identify and evaluate external resources Locally customised services More personalised services – meeting the needs of individuals and employers - pacing; timing; beyond the classroom & face to face delivery to provide maximum flexibility; Institutes develop locally customised TP options & related delivery services to meet local needs contributing to economic development of the region Building capacity Building capability of institutes – mentoring to customise TP and Skills Sets for local needs Continue TP implementation/state legislative compliance; technical currency Facilitate statewide Assessment validation and Moderation Increase workforce capability & responsiveness Capability to provide more flexibility with Training package options to meet customer needs & AQTF Employer engagement in designing training Market differentiate between TAFE Institutes & other VET competitors Key point of contact role for national/state Maintain Key point of contact role by working with Institutes to engage industry, enterprise and local communities Liaise with Industry Skills Councils, professional bodies or peak groups providing specialist advice on education and training requirements and service delivery opportunities Institutes to increase industry engagement and business opportunities to meet local industry, enterprise and community needs Industry wants Partnerships with TAFE Institutes to offer: - Tailor made services - Gap training - Skills development - Work force development services Special projects Continue to manage state/national projects and initiatives related to training and education services. Institutes work in partnership with ISU’s on special projects where possible. E.g. Abu Dhabi international project
13 Key roles of ISU’s Working in teams to: Develop Training Package guides and accredited courses for high demand and high risk qualifications and on request from institutes Provide professional support, mentoring services and advice to build the capability of Institute staff to customise training products Evaluate and develop resources to support timely implementation of Training Package qualifications and accredited courses Develop model training programs and learning and assessment strategies for high demand and high risk qualifications Facilitate statewide assessment validation and moderation Provide a point of contact for industry, the community, government agencies and other key stakeholders on training and education matters for TAFE NSW Liaise with Quality Services Unit to develop Enrolment, Report and Data for qualifications and units on SCIS. x (SOURCE: TAFE NSW: Doing Business in the 21st Century Consultation Paper: Proposed Functional Descriptions &Organisation Charts May 2008)
Supporting institutes to build capability By: Providing training in: customising training packages for local needs planning and development of Skill Sets facilitating statewide assessment moderation/validation of high risk /high demand qualifications x Providing an evaluation of Existing and External Resources to support quality delivery of TP/Accredited qualifications i.e. Annotated Resource lists of national & statewide resources with recommendations of how to customise. x Providing Model Training Programs and learning and assessment strategies for high demand/high risk qualifications Providing support teacher resources on the my TAFE, a TAFE Teacher’s Portal.
Resources for teachers on the my TAFE You can SEARCH for Teacher resources by Key Word, Unit code and Course No.
Current mentoring and support projects with Sydney Institute Skill Sets development – Tim Dein Providing advice and mentoring in: planning and development of Skill Sets for local needs. E.g. E-learning and Business development skill sets Facilitating assessment moderation and validation New skill sets to support a COAG RPL project RPL tools Development – Jeannine Angilley/Nicola Pegum Marketing, Sales & Advertising CIV/Diploma qualifications providing PD in Skills Book and pilot program for Marketing/Sales teachers
Any questions? TAFE NSW – Industry Skills Unit, Ultimo