LSRCP Production Meeting 2011 Re: RY2010 Natural origin adult summer Chinook collection for integrated brood stock production for U.S. v. Oregon
ADULT COLLECTION : HOW TO? LOGISTICS & COORDINATION Collection issues & concepts for capturing natural origin fish (NOR) from the south fork salmon river for IBS production up to 250K smolt Collect & pond NOR weir; ISS impact Collect M & F NOR fish below weir on spawning grounds & transport to holding ponds; practicality & logistics issues Collect milt from NOR males during trapping and cross with hatchery females Collect milt from ripe NOR males day of and day before egg take Coordination & Record Keeping IDFG Research (Laurie Janssen & crew) and NPT (Rob Hill & Carl East) assisted with data recording (trapping db) and milt collection Used genetic ID to track male milt to spawn x w/ hatchery female
TECHNIQUES & METHODS Same day & day before spawn take milt collection Ripe NOR male milt collected, fish passed above weir Whirl Pac bags were used for collection & labeled w/ genetic ID number Milt placed in coolers and/or refrigerated if collected the day before egg take Foot pump was used to add air to the bags to allow the sperm to respire Paper towel was used to dry the area around the vent Each NOR male crossed with a single hatchery female Incubated in trays as singles No IBS eggs were culled due to high BKD; 381K green collected
SPAWN DATA & EYED EGG RESULTS 77 NOR males (x w/ 72 hatchery females) used out of 347 trapped during spawning operations Natural origin males w/ PITs (7) 3 “Wild” & 4 “Unknown” origin Same day vs. day before egg take milt collection: IBS eye % Same day = 88 % Day before = 69 % Overall IBS eye % vs. overall hatchery prod eye % Overall IBS eye % = 77.5 % Overall hatchery production eye % = 90 %
IBS Prod Numbers 264,000 BY2010 IBS fry on station Approx 22K excess IBS production mixed w/ 70K hatchery production All IBS production will be marked as “unclipped CWT only”