Independent Review of IDEP Twenty-sixth Meeting of the Committee of Experts 30 March 2007
Outline BackgroundBackground Major findingsMajor findings RecommendationsRecommendations
Background The May 2006 ECA Conference of Ministers requested ECA Executive Secretary to make proposals for improving the financial situation of IDEPThe May 2006 ECA Conference of Ministers requested ECA Executive Secretary to make proposals for improving the financial situation of IDEP As a result ECA Executive Secretary established a panel to undertake an independent review of IDEPAs a result ECA Executive Secretary established a panel to undertake an independent review of IDEP This presentation shares preliminary findings and recommendations of panelThis presentation shares preliminary findings and recommendations of panel
About IDEP IDEP was created in 1962 to do the following Train policy makers and development professionals and provide advisory services for African Governments and regional organisations Promote original thinking and research on Africa’s policy issues Become centre of excellence to lead debate on African development issues Promote and defend economic independence of African countries
Findings I: IDEP in a changing landscape and its niche Many countries have similar institutions undertaking research and training programme on development planning But none of them operate at a Pan-African level None of them operate with the idea of serving the diverse interests and needs of the AU member States
Recommendations IDEP still needed to fulfill its original mandate as a Pan-African Institution It however needs to be retooled to offer courses in line with current demands of Africa This should take into account initiatives like NEPAD, APRM and the new AU
Findings II: Role of IDEP in Short –Term Training Many African governments have benefited from IDEP’s courses, especially the tailor-made and region-specific ones Most training currently done in Dakar, where professional staff is inadequate and library and training facilities are underutilised Costs could be reduced and attendance increase if IDEP runs some tailor-made courses in collaboration with RECs, other regional institutions, national universities, governments and NGOs ECA could second some of its staff to IDEP on short-term basis
Recommendations: A scientific needs assessment, is necessary to follow-up immediately after the IDEP review in a scale commensurate with the work done so far by the review A conference of scholars, development partners and ECA should then follow to discuss in detail a blue print for IDEP
Findings III: Linking IDEP to ECA Peer –Learning Activities The African Learning Group on PRS and the Millennium Development Goals focuses on sharing of best practices in the implementation of PRSPs in Africa. Also examines the identification of national capacity gaps, formulation of recommendations of actions by stakeholders, and proposing action plans to improve outcomes of PRSs This is an area in which research, networking and stimulating dialogue would make the work of IDEP complement ECA’s competence
Recommendations A retooled IDEP should deliver more consciously on the PRS-MDG LG initiative The work done should get the political backing of member states through AU This is important as it will touch heavily on the political economy of public policy making and implementation
Finding IV: Collaboration Between AU and IDEP AUC and ECA collaborate at 3 levels: i) Ten Year Capacity Building Programme developed by the UN ii) Joint AU-ADB-ECA Secretariat iii) Bilateral ECA/AU agreements Through IDEP, ECA supports AU’s goal to further Africa’s economic integration The programme on economic integration in Africa, sponsored by BADEA is hosted by IDEP Programme aims at improving absorption capacity of AU and RECs in implementing the Treaty instituting the African Economic Community So far, 4 sessions organised in English and in French
Collaboration Between AU and IDEP (con’t) AU’s observations on the implementation of the training programme include the following: The course is highly relevant to AU needs and as a result, demand is high. However, each session is limited to only 20 participants IDEP has not, in the past, made adequate consultations with AU in selecting resource persons for programmes Administrative problems at IDEP have led to problems in securing appropriate accommodation and insurance facilities
Recommendations Given its relevance and high demand, IDEP’s training programme should continue There is need to enhance the consultation mechanism with the AU to ensure appropriate selection of resource persons IDEP should develop innovative financing schemes to increase number of participants on a sustained basis
Finding V:Action Plan to Ensure IDEP Long-Term Financial Sustainability IDEP relies mainly on 4 sources of finance: UN contribution; annual contribution from member states; donor support; and fees paid by students Reason dictates that UN should revise its contribution upwards RECOMMENDATIONS IDEP’s financial support is likely to improve if it shows prudent and effective use of the financial resources it already has Therefore, management audit is necessary to streamline operations and recommend more effective ways of using and attracting resources
The Management of IDEP as an institution (Recommendations) Original vision and mission of IDEP still relevant What is needed is a paradigm shift from business as usual (training programmes, MA) to an imaginative and aggressive pursuit of this vision and mission Intellectual leadership is critical for an institution like IDEP IDEP needs to have a good working relationship with the host country A staff council should meet regularly with management to chart the running of the institution on a corporate basis
The Management of IDEP as an institution (Recommendations), con’t Collaboration and partnership with African institutions should be demonstrated: joint seminars, publications, workshops, exchange of staff, etc. IDEP and ECA should work together more closely IDEP should sell and market its resources such as data center, library, conference facilities etc.