What is Prehistory? The period before recorded history. The period before recorded history. Items from that time period are called “prehistoric”. Items from that time period are called “prehistoric”. Examples – fossils, artifacts, cave drawings, early graves, bones, ruins, and middens ( piles of garbage) Examples – fossils, artifacts, cave drawings, early graves, bones, ruins, and middens ( piles of garbage)
Periods of Prehistory Paleolithic – (old Stone age) time before 10,000BC Paleolithic – (old Stone age) time before 10,000BC Neolithic – (new stone age) time since 8000 BC Neolithic – (new stone age) time since 8000 BC
Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) People were nomadic. People were nomadic. They roamed around looking for food. They roamed around looking for food. Nomads – people who move around as food runs out. Nomads – people who move around as food runs out. No permanent settlements. No permanent settlements. At the end of the Old Stone Age people started to live off the land. At the end of the Old Stone Age people started to live off the land.
Neolithic (New Stone Age) People learned how to make tools and clothes, developed languages, grow crops… People learned how to make tools and clothes, developed languages, grow crops… At the beginning of the New Stone Age people were considered “civilized”. At the beginning of the New Stone Age people were considered “civilized”. People got most of their food from farming. People got most of their food from farming. This was the beginning of the:
Neolithic Revolution Read pages 27 and 28
Answer the following: 1. What was the Neolithic Revolution? 2. What were the effects of the Neolithic Revolution?
1. Permanent Communities could develop. Why? 1. They had the ability to produce mass amounts of food. 2. The earliest known village is. (8000 BCE) 2. Populations grew because of increased food supply. 3. Learning how to make pottery and work with metals. 1. This was one of their most important developments. Why? 4. Government systems began to head communities. 1. A single chief likely filled a religious role as well, such as asking the gods to protect the harvest. The Effects of the Revolution Jericho
5. Trading of goods between communities began. - What one community could make, another needed. 6. New methods of transportation were established.
What do you think would be required in order for a civilization to be considered “civilized”? What do you think would be required in order for a civilization to be considered “civilized”? Read pages 29 and 30 Read pages 29 and Where does the word civilization originate? 2. Where were the earliest civilizations established? 3. What encouraged the civilizations to establish where they did? 4. Pg. 29 #2
Civilization With more organized societies developing, knowledge of farming, trade, government, law, art, and science would grow. With more organized societies developing, knowledge of farming, trade, government, law, art, and science would grow. “Civilization” comes from the Latin word “civis” meaning “citizens”. “Civilization” comes from the Latin word “civis” meaning “citizens”. The first civilizations developed in at least SIX different locations and existed independently of one another for a very long time. They were located in: The first civilizations developed in at least SIX different locations and existed independently of one another for a very long time. They were located in:
1) Mesopotamia (the oldest) 1) Mesopotamia (the oldest) 2) Eygpt 2) Eygpt 3) India 3) India 4) Island of Crete 4) Island of Crete 5) China 5) China 6) Central America 6) Central America
What encouraged settlement? Climate played a big role. Climate played a big role. All were in the northern hemisphere in moderate climates. Why? All were in the northern hemisphere in moderate climates. Why? Away from extreme heat or cold. Away from extreme heat or cold. Wet and dry seasons allowed for good crop growth. Wet and dry seasons allowed for good crop growth. 4 were in river valleys with fertile land. 4 were in river valleys with fertile land.
Requirements of a civilization Must have: Must have: Written language Written language Technology Technology Knowledge of how to build structures from stone or brick. Knowledge of how to build structures from stone or brick. Specialization and diversity of labour. Specialization and diversity of labour.
Homework 1) Study “LOOKING BACK” on pages 30 & 31. 2) Carefully read about “SKILL DEVELOPMENT” on pages 32 & 33. Draw a similar chart using focus questions from your everyday life. Example: Factual How long does it take me to brush my teeth?