King Library’s Online Information Literacy Tutorials Pamela Jackson Reference/Instruction Librarian San José State University Library March 15, am Center for Faculty Development & Support
Benefits of Online Library Tutorials Students learn information literacy skills at their own pace, outside of physical classrooms and traditional class time. Offers a progressive reinforcement of information literacy skills. Students gain a common foundation of knowledge before the in-person library instruction session. “Face” time with students can be advanced and student-centered when tutorials precede in- person library instruction.
Concepts Taught via Information Competence Tutorials General orientation to the library’s physical and online environments Defining a research topic; selecting search terms Selecting, searching for and evaluating information Identifying popular and scholarly literature Understanding and recognizing primary research Plagiarism
Measuring Student Learning Pre-tests measure student knowledge before taking the tutorial. Quizzes at the end of each module or tutorial test students’ knowledge after completing the tutorial. Quiz data can be used to tailor content of both library and course instruction.
Quizzes and Queries Students register to take a tutorial. Quiz scores are automatically ed to the student upon completion. Results are stored in a local database. Queries allow us to see quiz scores by class, student, semester (includes class averages and scores by question).
King Library Online Tutorials An Overview
Essential Research Skills
Advanced Subject-Specific Tutorials
Tutorials for Prospective Students
Student Learning Assessment
Link to SJSU Tutorials: