CoRiNav Coastal River and Port Navigation A Research Proposal to meet DG Transport Task 2.3.1/12
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March Research Task 2 nd Call December 1999 Submission Deadline 31 st March 2000 Programme: Sustainable Mobility and Intermodal Key Action Title of Task: Assessment of new concepts for ship and shore traffic management and information systems (VTMIS) to improve efficiency in waterborne transport operations.
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March Automatic Identification System (AIS) Integration of radar and transponder targets (sensor data fusion) on one display enables the operator / navigator to use the advantages of both techniques. Essential information is transmitted automatically or on request (polling), such as vessel’s name, (DGPS) position, heading, speed and draught
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March Automatic Identification System (AIS) Radio Transponders allow to identify targets to indicate differences in heading and course (motion) to track vessels in radar blind areas.
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March overall potential rationale of applications operational specification communication standards operational standards less weight lower costs. Automatic Identification System (AIS) Research Objectives:
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March AIS Application of AIS and RADAR (Santander, Spain)
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March Enhancement of Navigation ECDIS integration of information implementation of VTS/VTMIS object classes decision support support of communication (shore stations, other ships) links to data bases improvement of accuracy, integrity and consistency of source data.
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March Enhancement of Navigation Path Prediction Detailed and accurate position and motion information (rate of turn, speed, course and heading) to calculate and display the vessel’s future track aboard or ashore.
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March Decision Support Systems VTMIS „silent“ tools for enhanced navigational assistance integration of pre- and post-sea transport automated traffic assessment --> AIS, ECDIS tools for traffic organisation further integration of information improvement of interoperability standards for retrieval, processing and interchange of information distributed data bases.
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March Value Added Information Tailor-made information within a redundancy-free information system.
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March Indefinite Net of “Actors” VTS Port (Authority) Vessel Pilot Terminal Tug Agent Owner Emergency Agency Customs Coast Guard NCA Port State Control Immigration Mooring Service Meteo Service Health Service Fire Fighting Pollution Control SAR
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March Terminals
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March Ports as Hubs and Interfaces
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March High Speed Craft and High Risk Vessels Information to vessels to improve voyage performance Traffic and status information to VTS Risk assessment and reduction.
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March High Speed Craft
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March Large Vessels
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March System Architecture Functional view Communication view Physical view Information view Cluster view
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March System Architecture A purpose-oriented understanding of systems, modules and services as entities in a heterogeneous information and transport world A framework for automated information exchange between systems and modes A data dictionary system to allow mutual understanding An object oriented approach considering the potential and restrictions of advanced and future data communication formats and conventions.
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March Communication Technologies Improved integration of vessels into global communication systems by: Overcoming bandwidth problems Reduction of costs Automation.
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March Standardisation Standardisation provides the commercial basis for costly development of equipment.
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March WP 04 Value Added Informatio n WP 01 AIS WP 02 Decision Support Systems WP 05 High Speed Craft and High Risk Vessels WP 03 Enhancement of Navigation CoRiNav Structure (1)
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March H or i z o nt a l A ct i v i t i e s Formal Safety Assessment and Risk Analysis HA 05 Standardisation HA 07 Training, licensing and human factors HA 06 Validation HA 08 Cost-Benefit Analysis HA 09 Exploitation HA 10 System Architecture HA 02 Communication Technologies HA 03 Human Computer Interface HA 04 CoRiNav Structure (2)
FARGIS - Oslo 8 March CoRiNav Structure (3) RIS (INDRIS) WATERMAN (TN VTMIS) Coordinator WP Leaders HA Leaders Quality Assurance Manager Dissemination Manager HA 01 Cluster Management Technical and Scientific Management EUROREP HAZMAT