ERASMUS Intensive Programmes Klara ENGELS-PERENYI Programme Officer Erasmus European Commission AEF Matinée Erasmus 14 May 2009
Definition (1) A short programme of study (2-6 weeks) which brings together students and staff from HEIs of at least 3 countries participating in the LLP; Encouraging efficient and multinational teaching of specialist topics; Working in multinational groups, special learning and teaching conditions not available in a single institution;
Definition (2) Testing new teaching methods, element of curriculum development; Innovation; Active participation of students; Recognition of the workload of students (ECTS); Use of ICT tools for sustainability; No research activities and conferences.
Priorities Are part of integrated programmes of study leading to recognised double or joint degrees; Present a strong multidisciplinary approach; Do not focus on a single subject area which is already overrepresented in Erasmus student mobility.
Duration Maximum 3 times, with yearly application; Lighter assessment for renewals; 2-6 weeks, minimum 10 continuous working days of subject-related work; No interruption possible.
Other eligibility rules EUC; At least 3 participating institutions from 3 different countries; Location in a LLP country; The number of students travelling from countries other than the country where the IP takes place must be minimum 10.
Impact of IPs Incentive for mobility; Enhancing cooperation between universities; Enhancing academic quality.
IPs in the LLP In 2007/08: 268 IPs in 29 countries; In 2008/09: 326 IPs in 27 countries;
IPs in Belgium French Speaking Community of Belgium: 2 IPs, total 20 days, €, 71 students, 28 teachers. Flemish Community of Belgium: 20 IPs, total 235 days, €, 819 students, 264 teachers.
Information for applicants Website, Compendium:
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