ENABLE Building capacity in renewables in the health, education and water sectors to help meet poverty reduction targets in sub-Saharan Africa January 2005 – June 2007 Supported by The sole responsibility for the content of this presentation lies with the authors. It does not represent the opinion of the Community. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
EIE/04/099/S Objectives Build capacity of ministry and local government staff in renewable energy Facilitate cross-sectoral links between energy, health, education and water Facilitate policy dialogue linking sustainable energy and poverty reduction targets Develop an Electrification Planning Tool for the energy ministries Develop Energy Guidelines and Standard Energy Packages for the health, education and water ministries Facilitate a replication of activities to French speaking Africa
EIE/04/099/S Main activities Regional and national consultation, training and facilitation workshops in all countries Overview of the different renewable energy options for the EAC region Overview of the policy in each country in the sectors concerned and overview of Role of Energy in PRSPs in each country Development of Energy Guidelines and Packages and an Electrification Planning Tool Replication activities in Senegal
EIE/04/099/S Results 1/2 Making information available: –Case studies –PRSP studies –Policy overviews: health, water, education, energy –Renewable energy technologies overview Creating policy dialogue, identifying gaps and suggesting solutions –National consultations –Regional workshop –Workshop proceedings and reports
EIE/04/099/S Results 2/2 Developing tools for central and local government –Rural Electrification Screening Tool –Energy Guidelines –Energy Packages Providing training and awareness raising –National workshops –International workshop Information dissemination –5 Newsletters –Summary report of the project –Website
EIE/04/099/S Replication in Senegal Consultations with Ministries and NGOs in the energy, water, health and education sectors Planning tools translated into French Newsletters translated into French Information seminar gathering representatives from the energy, water, education and heath sectors. Web pages in French
EIE/04/099/S Reports and papers available Newsletters Case studies Survey reports and policy overviews Workshop proceedings and presentations Training material Planning tools: REST Energy Guidelines and Standard Energy Packages All downloadable from:
EIE/04/099/S Contact details IT Power Grove House Lutyens Close Chineham RG24 8AG UK Katerina Syngellakis Tel.: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Sweden Transénergie France Partners: Co-ordinator: