Flemings and Walloons in Belgium Justin, Kim, Anthony, Katherine, and Emma
Belgium - Belgium is located in Western Europe near the states of France, Germany, Luxembourg, and The Netherlands. - The population is around 10.7 million. -The two main nations in Belgium are the Walloons (French-speakers) and the Flemings (Dutch-speakers).
Roots of Belgium Belgium occupies part of the Roman province of Belgica, named after the Belgae, a people of ancient Gaul In 57BC Julius Caesar extended the power of Rome to the region, Belgium in present-day It was overrun by the Franks in the 5th century A.D By the tenth century, the present-day Belgium became part of the kingdom Lotharingia Part of the Lotharingia kingdom was a region called, Flanders By the eleventh century, Flanders held most of present-day Belgium In the fifteenth century, Burgundy was united with Flanders. They became known as the “Low Countries” or the “Burgurdian Circle”
Flemings vs. Walloons Flemings Population: 5.5 million Religion: Catholic Language: Dutch -The Flemings are usually found in the northern region known as Flanders. Walloons Population: 4 million Religion: Catholic Language: French -The largest concentration of Walloons is located in the southern region of Belgium known as Wallonia.
5th Century A.D.- Franks invaded the area and introduced Dutch to the area. They gained the most power in the northern region. 16th Century A.D.- Both the Flemings and Walloons came under rule of Spain, The Netherlands, and Austria. Both nations came together and fought off the Dutch rule The new Kingdom of Belgium was created as a constitutiona l monarchy. 19th Century A.D.- The Walloons held the most political and economic power. French was the main language of government, law, education, and the Roman Catholic Church The language barrier was dramatized during WWI because Dutch- speaking Belgian officers couldn’t communicate with the French- speaking officers Belgium’s constitution was amended to allow Flanders and Wallonia to have their own self- governing government within the Belgian Kingdom.
Overview of the Belgian History In the 10 th century, the present-day Belgium was part of the kingdom Lotharingia By the eleventh century, Flanders held most of present-day Belgium In the fifteenth century, Burgundy was united with Flanders. They became known as the “Low Countries” or the “Burgurdian Circle” Flemish trade and culture flourished following the unity with Burgundy Under the rule of the Spanish-born Philip II, the period of the “Burgurdian Circle” declined. In 1580 to 1648, the “Revolt of the Netherlands” lasted until the northern region of the “Low Countries” was recognized as the Dutch Republic.
Flanders formed unity with Holland with different culture of rest of the Europe that lead to the “Belgian” rebellion Belgium became an independent kingdom in 1830 as the European Powers intervened. In the endorsement of freedom with religions, powers of monarchy, and associations, the unity among Belgians failed. The neutrality of Belgium in World War I, was violated by Germany to invade in 1914 and occupy the territory until 1918 Despite the invasion in 1940, Belgium made the remarkable recovery economically in 1945, after the liberation.
The Conflict Today There are currently 3 different regions, each with different languages. Wallonia: French speakers Flanders: Dutch speakers Brussels: Multilingual -Each of these regions is self-governing. Since 1961 it has been outlawed to conduct a language census in all of Belgium.
Flanders Brussels Wallonia