Bell Work 1.Get your Ipad, check to make sure you have the correct number, check for damage. 2.Log into the ipad and then into skyward. 3.Copy the week’s schedule into you agenda. Keep your agenda on your desk so that we can come by and stamp that you copied it. If you don’t have your agenda, copy the week’s schedule onto a seperate sheet of paper.
Agenda Mon. – Ch 11 Sect 1-2 The Industrial Revolution and Transportation West Quiz Tues. – Ch 11 Sect 3 Sectionalism Quiz Wed. – Ch 11 Sect 4 The Monroe Doctrine Quiz Thur. – Test Review Ch 10 Sec 3 – Ch 11 Fri - Test
Vocabulary Capital – Another word for money Capitalist – A person with money who wants to invest it. Urban – City Living Rural – Country Living
The Industrial Revolution
There was no fighting in this revolution. This time, the word revolution meant great change. The Industrial Revolution marked a shift from an agriculturally centered economy to a manufacturing economy. This would change the United States FOREVER!
New inventions and new technology helped people like James Hargreaves invent things like the Spinning Jenny. Eli Whitney came up with the idea of interchangeable parts. This cut down on production time and made things cheaper.
Before the Industrial Revolution, most spinning and weaving took place in the home (Cottage Industry). Factories changed all that. Early factories were powered by water, so they had to be built next to a river. Factories were very expensive and required a lot of money, or capital. They got this money from investors or capitalists.
Were you listening? How were early factories powered? Why did they have to be powered like that? Where did early factories have to be built? When reading the word Industrial Revolution, what does the word revolution mean? What are Interchangeable Parts and who invented them?
The Lowell Mills Francis Cabot Lowell wanted to create a factory that could both spin thread and weave it into cloth. After his death, his partners built the factory and named it after him. The factory was built in a townlike atmosphere that offered housing, cafeterias, and shops for employees. Young girls were hired to work there, and were nicknamed “Lowell Girls.”
During the Industrial Revolution, many people left farms to work in factories. This movement from farms to cities is called urbanization. There were some problems in early cities. There was no garbage collection, and no sewage system. Under these conditions, disease spread easily. Cities also had several attractions. There were theatres, museums, stores, and even the occasional circus.
Factory owner hired mostly women and children. Boys and girls as young as 7 worked in factories The work schedule was 12 hours a day, 6days a week. The role and perception of women began to change.
Were you listening? Who did factory owners prefer to hire for factory jobs and why? What do we call the mass movement from rural areas to urban areas? What were workers who worked in Lowell Massachusetts called?