Associate Members (AM) 191 institutions/organizations from 26 countries 1 ContinentCountries Asia Bangladesh ; China; India; Japan; Jordan; Malaysia; Nepal; Pakistan; Russia; South Korea; Syria; United Arab Emirates (UAE); Vietnam, Myanmar Africa Cote d’ Ivoire; Nigeria; Tanzania Ghana, Europe Poland; Switzerland; The Netherlands; United Kingdom (UK); Denmark; France OceaniaAustralia; S. AmericaBrazil Major EU Based Associate members CountryName of AM U.K.Fair-source The Netherlands EUROJUTE, Pure jute SwitzerlandMexim S.A Poland Institute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants INF&MP Denmark Bluepack A/s FranceWilly's Collection
Composition of AMs 2 Traders 51 R&Ds 21 Industries 68 Entrepreneurs 35 Associations 5 Grower 1 Government agencies 4 Others 5 Total 191
Growth of Ams of IJSG YearNumber of AMNo. of CountriesNew Countries Added BD, India, Pak, Cote d' Ivorie, Switzerland Nepal, USA Japan Vietnam UK, UAE, Syria, Russia, Malaysia, Korea Jordan, China, Netherlands Poland, Nigeria, Australia Brazil, Denmark, France, Myanmar, Tanzania Ghana 3