National Policy on Combating Climate Change, 2007 Justine Conaty Legal Services Division National Summit on Climate Change Apia, May 28-29, 2009
Background The Policy was drafted to: implement Samoa’s international obligations under the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol; and ensure Samoa is in the best possible position to deal with climate change.
What does the Policy do? The Policy sets out Samoa’s response to climate change. It provides a national framework for effective and sustainable adaptation to the adverse impacts of climate change and mitigation of Samoa’s contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions.
National Climate Change Framework National Policy on Combating Climate Change National Adaptation Programme of Action National Greenhouse Gas Abatement Strategy
Policy goal To enhance Samoa’s response to the impacts of climate change in support of national sustainable development goals.
Policy objectives Public awareness and understanding Climate change information management Capacity-building Mitigation Adaptation Regulatory framework
Policy benefits The Policy contributes to the achievement of sustainable development through: Informed decision-making; Environmental planning and assessment; Targeted action on climate change adaptation and mitigation; International cooperation and partnerships; and Strengthened national capacity to respond to climate change.