7 TH GRADERS WELCOME! 1. Row Leaders: Please pick- up folders. 2. Have a seat before the bell rings or you will be late. :O) 3. Get out your materials and prepare to write your agenda. -Thank you!
A QUICK REMINDER: Make sure all water breaks, bathroom breaks, pencil sharpening, backpack cleaning, etc… are done BEFORE the bell rings. Do not get out of your seat without permission. If you are eating, put it away or throw it away. Do NOT shoot trash into the trash can. Be ready to work and stay on task.
7 TH GRADE AGENDA TUESDAY 1. Write your agendas 2. Warm-up (A.L. #13- P1)* Stamp Parent Letter Final Draft* 3. Parent Letter Whip Around* 4. Presentation Tree Map (A.L. #13- P2)* 5. Turn in Parent Letter packet* HW: None Objective: To the class, SWBAT read aloud a seven sentence paragraph that they wrote to their parents requesting an increase or establishment of a weekly allowance. A.L.: 13.) Hero BM & PL Pres. TM 5/31
In a bubble map, brainstorm at least 7 things you instantly think of when you think of a HERO. Afterward, we will add 7 more bubbles to our maps. Think/ class share ASSIGNMENT LOG #13 13.) HERO BM & PL PRES. TM 5/31 HERO *This will be useful later…. Part 1
PRESENTING PARENT LETTER ASSIGNMENT LOG #13 CONT… 13.) HERO BM & PL PRES. TM 5/31 We will do a whip around reading our parent letters at our desks. You will give at least one comment/ piece of advice for EACH presenter using a tree map: Presenter Name: Suggestions for Presenter: *This is your EXIT slip. You must get a stamp before you leave class. Part 2
TURN IN PARENT LETTER PACKETS!!! Staple together the following documents: 1. Directions checklist (On Top) 2. Parent Letter Final Draft (In Middle) 3. Parent Letter Rough Draft (On Bottom) Do not forget: 1. Write your NAME on the back of each Parent Letter draft. 2. Write your NAME on the directions checklist.
REVIEW STUDENT COMMENTS FOR PRESENTERS We will briefly and politely discuss what suggestions we have for each presenter.
W INDING D OWN *Class is almost over, so it is time to: 1. STAY IN YOUR SEATS!!! 2. Stamp A.L.s & folders 3. Recap: Did you accomplish this objective? Objective: To the class, SWBAT read aloud a seven sentence paragraph that they wrote to their parents requesting an increase or establishment of a weekly allowance. 4. Take out your exit slips to be checked 5. You will be dismissed when you are allowed to go.
MATERIALS NEEDED Stamps Staplers STANDARD Negotiate solutions Oral Presentations