OUR CORE VALUES Respect For Our school Our teachers Our environment My peers My work and myself
Assignments O Some of you seem to be either unconcerned with or overwhelmed by your assignments. O This has resulted in many assignments not being handed in on time, or at all. O This is worrying because it means you will never know what you can achieve in that subject.
Assignments O Each fortnight I receive a report about Yr 8. The latest report had ¾ of the entries as ‘progress reports’ for students that hadn’t handed in assignments. O Failing a course, not because you are not able, but because you haven’t handed in an assignment is not something which should be happening.
Assignments O Please remember that your actions have consequences, for you and your family. O One student’s mother phoned me recently, in tears. O Her child had not completed 3 assignments and this meant their yearly report would be nowhere near as good as it could have been.
Staying Organised O The best way to stay on top of what is due is to use your school diary. O Bring your diary to school every day, have your timetable stuck into the front and use it to write in when you receive assignments and when they are due. O This way you will NEVER forget when an assignment is due. O When you get home, write it up on your calendar.
Yr O Next year you will be in Yr 9. O This is the beginning of your School Certificate Course. O This means that the consequences become more serious if you fail to complete assignments.
The ‘N’ Awards O The ‘Non Award’ Process is an important process to ensure that School Certificates when they are awarded are a meaningful and well deserved record of a students academic achievements of years 7 to 10. O This is given when: O you have not applied yourself with "diligence and sustained effort". O you have not achieved some or all of the course outcomes. O satisfactory achievement is judged by... Attendance, involvement in class, completed assignments / homework, level of achievement.
The ‘N’ Awards O You will receive a ‘not completed’ on your school certificate if you have not done the required work for that course. O If you are someone who is looking to leave school earlier to enter a trade, this will greatly reduce your chances of gaining entry into a TAFE course or an apprenticeship. O If you wish to continue to the HSC, you will have to work doubly hard to improve on this poor record.
Yr O I have one faculty’s policy regarding Yr 9 Assessments: O If a student fails to submit an assessment task: - After 1 day they lose 25% - After two days they lose 50% - After 3 days they lose 75% ( weekends included ) - Consult with the HT, then send an N-Award Warning Letter.
The remainder of 2011 O Some of you may be thinking ‘why bother working now, the reports are in, the years almost over’…. O I can guarantee you, the year is far from over. O The work you do now will affect you both this AND next year.
The remainder of 2011 O There are still awards you can earn at the presentation assembly. O You can still become December’s Student of the Month. O Most importantly, your reputation with prospective teachers will be made RIGHT NOW !!! O So, view this as an opportunity to begin making Yr 9 a fantastic new beginning or continuation of the excellent work so far …