27 March 2003 Displays and the electronics that drive them. Page 1 Densitron Technologies plc 2003 Full Year Presentation by... David McQuiggan – Chief Executive Officer. Rob Smith - Finance Director.
27 March 2003 Displays and the electronics that drive them. Page 2 Operational Highlights Reduced sales in difficult trading conditions. £3.5 Million exceptional items. Operating loss pre exceptional items of £1.2 Million. No final dividend. But: Acquisition of the Assets of Ferrograph Limited in April Fundamental strategic review completed. New order intake in 2002 was £30.6 Million ( £27.7 Million) and the group’s order book stood at £18.4 Million at 31st December 2002 ( £13.3 Million).
27 March 2003 Displays and the electronics that drive them. Page 3 Financial Highlights £ Millions12 Months to 31/12/ Months to 31/12/2001 Turnover Operating (Loss) / profit(4.7)1.0 (Loss) / Profit before taxation(5.3)0.6 EPS pre exceptional items(9.00)p(2.50)p EPS post exceptional items(19.97)p(2.50)p Gearing17.9%1.0% Order Book as at 31 st December
27 March 2003 Displays and the electronics that drive them. Page 4 Profit and Loss account comparative £ Thousands Turnover25,48928,433 Cost of Sales(15,016)(17,359) Gross Profit10,47311,074 Operating Expenses(12,338)(11,349) Other operating income Exceptional Items(3,533)- Group Operating (Loss) / Profit(5,275)380 Group Operating (Loss) / Profit pre exceptional items (1,742)380 Share of Associates Operating Profit Total Operating (Loss) / Profit(4,735)964 Net Interest Payable(559)(549) (Loss) / Profit before tax(5,294)551
27 March 2003 Displays and the electronics that drive them. Page 5 Exceptional Items AssetBasis of Impairment£000s Retail Cassius computer stock and development Expected lower selling price for retail version. 1,259 Computer business restructuringRedundancy and other termination costs 94 Internet businessesRevised asset value based on proposed sale of majority interest. 590 Densitron Software LtdDiscontinued 3 rd party trading.229 Rapidot LtdDiscontinued activity.149 Densitron Australia pty LtdLoss on disposal of business.284 Post retirement benefitsRecognition of benefits per FRS17290 Densitron TechnologiesHead office redundancies and EGM costs 638 Total exceptional items3,533
27 March 2003 Displays and the electronics that drive them. Page 6 Sales and Orders - trend by quarter
27 March 2003 Displays and the electronics that drive them. Page 7 Sales - Geographic
27 March 2003 Displays and the electronics that drive them. Page 8 Sales – Class of business
27 March 2003 Displays and the electronics that drive them. Page 9 Profit trend
27 March 2003 Displays and the electronics that drive them. Page 10 Balance Sheet £ Thousands As at 31/12/2002 As at 31/12/2001 Fixed Assets17,72320,281 Current Assets13,43415,829 Creditors due < 1 year(11,691)(10,423) Net Current Assets1,7435,406 Assets less current liabilities19,46625,687 Creditors due > 1 year(2,313)(598) Net Assets17,15325,089
27 March 2003 Displays and the electronics that drive them. Page 11 Cash Flow £ ThousandsYear to 31/12/02 Year to 31/12/01 Operating Profit / (Loss) pre exceptional(1,741)380 Cash element of exceptional items(484)- Net Changes in Working Capital9951,162 Net non cash movements1,2531,152 Returns on investments(1,303)(1,108) Taxation Paid(292)(1,035) Capital expenditure(531)(1,197) Rights Issue-18,831 Acquisitions & disposals(125)(12,345) Equity dividends paid(148)(364) Change in net debt(2,377)5,476
27 March 2003 Displays and the electronics that drive them. Page 12 Financial Outlook MARKET CONDITIONS REMAIN UNCERTAIN! However: Full year benefit of restructuring activities. Enter the year with strong order book. Good start to the year… –Sales up 23% year on year. –Orders up 59% versus 2002.
27 March 2003 Displays and the electronics that drive them. Page 13 Vbest Update – Trading Performance £ thousands 12 Months to 31/12/2002 £1=NT$ Months to 31/12/2001 £1=NT$48.66 Sales19,52819,422 Margin5,5124,751 Margin %28.2%24.5% Pre tax Profit2,3332,565
27 March 2003 Displays and the electronics that drive them. Page 14 Summary Tough trading conditions - US and European markets very slow. Improved order intake. Vbest on track. Continued strong performance at Hitech. Ferrograph added. Balance sheet review and financial restructuring completed. Strategic review completed. Board of Directors strengthened.
27 March 2003 Displays and the electronics that drive them. Page 15 Contacts David McQuiggan Chief Executive Officer Densitron Technologies plc Rob Smith Finance Director Densitron Technologies plc Adam Reynolds Hansard Communications