1 Advanced Placement United States History Chapter Six Kennedy/Cohen/Bailey The American Pageant Lecture Outline
2 Topics: Early French Colonial Efforts Organization of New France French Exploration of North America Roots of the Anglo-French Struggle in North America
3 Topics: The Five World Wars Involving North America French/British Advantages and Disadvantages in Warfare Outcomes of the Anglo-French Struggle for North America
4 Early French Colonial Efforts Huguenots (Calvinists)
5 Persecuted Huguenot Edict of Nantes, 1598 St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, 1572 Louis XIV
6 Quebec St. Lawrence River Samuel de Champlain Huron Indians Champlain
7 Huron Indians Iroquois Confederation Ohio Valley
8 Organization of New France Autocratic Government Indians - Jesuits
9 French Exploration of North America Antoine Cadillac – Detroit, 1701 Robert de La Salle – Mississippi, 1682 Cadillac La Salle
10 New Orleans,
11 French Fur Trappers “coureurs de bois” or “runners of the woods” “voyageurs” or “travelers ”
12 The Five World Wars Involving North America, – King William’s War – Queen Anne’s War – King George’s War – French and Indian War – War of the American Revolution
13 French Advantages/Disadvantages Huron Indians Iroquois Confederation Autocratic Government Rapid Mobilization Under-Populated Cut Off by British Navy
14 British Advantages/Disadvantages Population Diversity - Disunity Poorly Organized Society Loose Government Internal Bickering Colonists were Self-Reliant, Resourceful, Self-Initiative
15 British Advantages/Disadvantages Colonial Economies were Self-sufficient Diversification of Industry Protected by British Navy Protected by Iroquois Incompetent English Military Leadership
16 Seven Year War aka: French and Indian War 1753 – George Washington Fort Duquesne
17 Seven Year War aka: French and Indian War 1754 – George Washington Fort Necessity Reconstruction of Fort Necessity
18 Seven Year War aka: French and Indian War Albany Congress Gen. Edward Braddock William Pitt Fort Louisbourg, 1758 General James Wolfe Quebec, 1759 Montreal, 1760
19 Outcomes of French and Indian War New Indian Policies Ohio Valley Pontiac’s War Proclamation of 1763
20 Credits: Huguenots Louis XIV British Flags - French Flag Champlain- Indians Jesuit Among Indians - La Salle - New Orleans Map, New Orleans bin/ampage?collId=icufaw&fileName=bbc0010b/icufawbbc0010b.db&recNum=14http://memory.loc.gov/cgi- bin/ampage?collId=icufaw&fileName=bbc0010b/icufawbbc0010b.db&recNum=14 Fur Trappers on the Missouri - co.k12.ca.us/gcoe/media_center/artprints/artprint17/furtrap.htmhttp:// co.k12.ca.us/gcoe/media_center/artprints/artprint17/furtrap.htm French and Indian Battle - clio.com/Reference/Index.asp?page=%2E%2E%2FReference%2FSearch%2FEntryDisplay%2Easp&c ountrydisplay=false&relateddisplay=true&fulltext=French+and+Indian+War&entryid=288329&categ oryid=13&categorytypeid=2http:// clio.com/Reference/Index.asp?page=%2E%2E%2FReference%2FSearch%2FEntryDisplay%2Easp&c ountrydisplay=false&relateddisplay=true&fulltext=French+and+Indian+War&entryid=288329&categ oryid=13&categorytypeid=2 Fort Necessity Pontiac’s Rebellion - clio.com/Reference/Index.asp?page=%2E%2E%2FReference%2FSearch%2FEntryDisplay%2Easp&c ountrydisplay=false&relateddisplay=true&fulltext=Pontiac%27s+Rebellion&entryid=289526&catego ryid=13&categorytypeid=2http:// clio.com/Reference/Index.asp?page=%2E%2E%2FReference%2FSearch%2FEntryDisplay%2Easp&c ountrydisplay=false&relateddisplay=true&fulltext=Pontiac%27s+Rebellion&entryid=289526&catego ryid=13&categorytypeid=2