North Carolina A.R.E.S. What Is A.R.E.S. Amateur Radio Emergency Service
What Is The Purpose Of A.R.E.S. Purpose of ARES ® Amateur Radio Emergency Service, which has developed since 1935, is a part of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Field Organization. Part 97 of the FCC's RULES and REGULATION, which covers the Amateur Radio Service,states under "Basis and Purpose" in 97.1 (a) that: "Recognition and enhancement of the value of the amateur service to the public as a voluntary non-commercial communication service, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications." Amateurs have been involved with Public-service communications, emergency communications, since In the early days the involvement was unprepared and without any coordination. As stated in the PUBLIC SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS MANUAL, published by the ARRL, "As time progressed, the need for and value of organization became evident, resulting in the establishment of organized trunk lines and net systems; later the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) and the National Traffic System (NTS) were formed to complete the organization." Today, "The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes. Every licensed amateur, regardless of membership in ARRL or any other local or national organization, is eligible for membership in the ARES. The only qualification, other than the possession of an Amateur Radio license, is a sincere desire to serve. Because ARES is an amateur service, only amateurs are eligible for membership. The possession of emergency-powered equipment is desirable, but is not a requirement for membership".
Training Training for ARES and RACES Required by North Carolina Emergency Management NC Section ARES/RACES Training Policy For more information NC Emergency Managers require. FEMA Classes ICS – 100, ICS-200, ICS-700 and ICS-800
Section Manager Karl F. Bowman – W4CHX 5509 SHIMER FARM LANE Raleigh, NC (919) (cell)
North Carolina Section Officials S.M. Karl F. Bowman, W4CHX (Karl) 5509 Shimer Farm Lane Raleigh, NC (919) (cell) Assistant Section Manager William C. Morine, N2COP (Bill)Assistant Section Manager Tim Slay, N4IB 101 Windlass Dr.141 Queens Cove Rd Wilmington, NC Mooresville, NC (910) , (910) HOME (D), (N) Section Emergency Coordinator Tom Brown, N4TABAffiliated Club Coordinator Tim Slay, N4IB 5525 Old Still Rd.141 Queens Cove Rd Wake Forest, NC 27587Mooresville, NC (919) (Home) (919) (Cell) (D), (N) Section Traffic Manager David Roy, W4DNAState Government Liasion Chuck de Court, W3WZN 120 Doris Dr Silverwood Creek Dr Goldsboro, NC 27534Raleigh, NC, Home Phone: Home Observer Coordinator Enrico G. La Monica, W4ZRA
What Is
Carolina Mountain Area (CMA) Skywarn Skywarn Net will activate anytime the National Weather Service issues a weather alert that affects our area, to include counties adjacent to Buncombe, not just in Buncombe County Amateur Radio Service (BCARES) area, or within area 14 for that matter. The CMA includes any area that may be accessed by the primary repeater we use, on Spivey Mountain. We may also use any or several others prominently located for wide area coverage. Questions on Buncombe County CMA Skywarn - Paul Tilley - KK4BRD, Black Mountain ( ) - Dwight Danner - W4DCD, Asheville ( )
What Can You Do? If your are interested in Becoming an Amateur (Ham) Radio Operator? Contact your Area D.E.C. FirstLastCallCity ASECWestern BranchPaulRobinetteKD4OZIFairviewNC DECArea 11JaredGohlkeN4JMGKannapolisNC County'sCabarrusIredellRowanStanlyWilkes DECArea 12BobRodgersKC4TVOBakersvilleNC County'sAsheAveryCaldwellMcDowellMitchellWataugaYancey DECArea 13BenMelvinKM4C Kings MountainNC County'sCatawbaBurkeCatawbaClevelandGastonLincolnMecklenburg DECArea 14SteveEmoryN4SETWeavervilleNC County'sBuncombeCherokee HaywoodGrahamMadisonSwain DECArea 15DickSmith IIIW4RSSFletcherNC County'sClay Jackson HendersonMaconPolkRutherford Transylvania
DEC’S & EC’S, 34 Counties in the Western Branch FirstLastCallCity FirstLastCallCity DECArea 11JaredGohlkeN4JMGKannapolisNC DECArea 14SteveEmoryN4SETWeavervilleNC ADECOpen ADECOpen ECCabarrusSamRobertsKA4ATTKannapolisNCECBuncombeTonyJonesKJ4CROSwannanoaNC ECIredellDennis L.WhiteN4WHKStatesvilleNCECCherokee JimHowardW4SDJMurphyNC ECRowanGeorgeHuffmanKD4MXASalisburyNCECHaywoodJohnErohN4SME WaynesvilleNC ECStanlyWilliamGreeneK4VETRichfieldNCOpenGraham ECWilkesBrianLisleAB1JUHaysNCECMadisonAllenStinesKF4ZDSMarshallNC ECSwainMarkThomasKJ4SLYBryson CityNC DECArea 12BobRodgersKC4TVOBakersvilleNC DECArea 15DickSmithW4RRSFletcherNC ADECMarvinHoffmanWA4NCBooneNCADEC LeeMagerKN4GCFlat Rock NC ECAsheSteveAdansKK4IDHCrumplerNCECClay LarryFordKG4GPJWarneNC OPENAveryNCECJackson ShaneBurrellKJ4WLCWebsterNC ECCaldwellTomLandKA4HKK Hudson NCECHendersonJohnQuinnN9JZXFletcherNC ECMcDowellEddieEppleyKD4PXYMarionNCECMaconHowardEstesWB4GUDFranklinNC ECMitchellDavidHouserWAPOTPSpruce PineNCECPolkGeorgeKorperK3GKHendersonvilleNC ECWataugaMarvinHoffmanWA4NC BooneNCECRutherford DonWhisnantK4PDWMooresboroNC OPENYancey DECArea 13BenMelvinKM4CKings MountainNC ADECCatawbaJoesph R.Getlein, Jr.W1FAIHickoryNC ECBurkeGregoryBranchKI4GEDMorgantonNC ECCatawbaJoesph R.Getlein, Jr.W1FAIHickoryNC ECClevelandSusanMelvinK4ZXNKings MountainNC ECGastonGeorgePoteatK4GLPDallasNC ECLincolnCliffordBrommerWD4PICDenverNC ECMecklenburgAnthonyLewisKE4VVFCharlotteNC