El subjuntivo y las esperanzas y deseos The Subjunctive and Hopes Wishes
The Subjunctive is used in a two clause sentence where a wish or a desire is expressed in the first (independent) clause. These are also called expressions of will or volition.
Some common verbs used in the independent clause: querer (to want) dejar (to allow) desear (to desire, want, wish) exigir (to demand) insistir en (to insist) oponerse a (to be opposed to) prohibir (to prohibit) rogar (o-->ue) (to beg) suplicar (to ask, plead)
Examples Sr. Madan quiere que traígamos los libros a clase. Mr. Madan wants us to bring the books to class. La escuela exige que los estudiantes lleguen a clase a tiempo. The school demands that the students arrive to class on time.
The Subjunctive is only used when there is a change of subject from one clause to another. Yo prefiero que tú hagas las tareas. I prefer that you do the homework. When the subject remains the same, an infinitive is used. Yo prefiero hacer las tareas. I prefer to do the homework.
Other Verbs for Expressing Wishes aconsejar (to advise) esperar (to hope) mandar (to order) pedir (e-->i) (to request, to ask for) permitir (to permit) recomendar (e-->ie) (to recommend) sugerir (e-->ie) (to suggest)