Dr. Jimmie McEver Senior Scientist, JHU APL Chair, AIAA Technical Committee on Information and Command and Control Systems Lessons Learned from Dealing with Complex Systems from Other Communities: Potential Topics for CASE 2012
Motivation CASE symposium established to facilitate aerospace community interaction on problems and issues associated with systems engineering/systems development across the life cycle of complex aviation systems Other communities are also faced with challenges related to complexity, volatility and uncertainty in their capability development environments −AIAA/CASE may benefit from sharing experiences and emerging insights from others’ efforts to come to grips with these challenges −Would like to consider potential topics/mechanisms for interaction at CASE
Selected Complex Systems Efforts DoD Cyberspace Operations Capability Development/Acquisition −NDAA 2011 called on DoD to develop a strategy for responsive and accountable acquisition of cyber warfare capability, addressing requirements, acquisition, and test/evaluation aspects of capability generation −Identified principles, tenets, and cross-cutting enablers TTCP Action Group 14: Complex Adaptive Systems for Defence −International effort to explore implications of emerging insights from complex adaptive systems research for national security −Topics addressed included complex causality, approaches to enhancing adaptiveness/agility, and the considerations for SE of complex systems Network Centric Operations, Network-Enabled Capability Command and Control Maturity Model −Principles, concepts for decision making under conditions of complexity, volatility and uncertainty −A value chain and metrics for how information and collaboration −Enhancing agility of individual and collective decision making processes What it takes to be more agile, to be more capable of dealing with complexity, volatility and uncertainty 3
Options for CASE Talk/presentation describe the three frameworks/perspectives offered by these initiatives −But would likely need more than the 30 minutes typically allotted to cover all 3 Separate talks going into more detail on each initiative Panel discussion including participants in Cyber Acquisition Strategy effort and TTCP AG14, as well as other identified experts in cyber SE, agile SE, and the SE of complex systems Some combination of the above depending on interest 4