ISO TC184/SC4 contribution to REACH and LCA David Leal CAESAR Systems Limited and the impact of the Semantic Web on the SC4 architecture BSI AMT4,
What are REACH and LCA REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of CHemicals) –you need to know exactly what is in you product, and the parts of you product which you buy in LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) –you need to know the inputs and outputs to the manufacturing, use and disposal activities for your product, and for the parts of the product which you buy in You need to access and validate data from the supply chain –The Semantic Web is ideal for this
Semantic Web technologies RDF (Resource Description Framework) –making statements on the Web – N3 (Notation 3) –a simple way of writing down an RDF statement – An opportunity to: record information more simply enable others to use our concepts use the concepts of others
Jane believes Getting started Janet John loves RDF diagram N3 :Janet :loves :John. :Jane :believes { }
Getting started people:Janet relationship:loves relationships:. namespaces identify the people identify the human relationships
Navigating the supply chain LCA catalogues (e.g. EU LCA InfoHub) linked to industrial catalogues class Aclass Bclass Cclass D product supply 1 supply 2 supply x supply y supply z subclass of LCA data from analysis of supply subclass of LCA data from analysis of supply
Dereferencing a vocab:ElectricalEquipmentItem ; vocab:serialNumber " " ; vocab:manufacturer ; vocab:operatingVoltage [ vocab:volt 230 ]. vocab:registeredName "Fred Bloggs and Company Limited". Dereference to get: an RDF formula with URI
RDF statements about an item vocab:ElectricalEquipmentItem rdf:type vocab:serialNumber vocab:manufacturer vocab:registeredName Fred Bloggs and Company Limited vocab:operatingVoltage vocab:volt 230
Access to formulas An application can query using SPARQL. A person can browse using Firefox + Tabulator:
What needs to happen Change to the business process –Assign URI to a product –Dereference to get a formula about a product –education, pilot projects, buy in from trade associations and governments Standard vocabularies to use on the Web –existing standards need to work in a new environment –standards need to be simplified –W3C Product Modelling group –ISO TC184/SC4 needs to get its act together
No data model so far equipment item manufacturer serial number operating voltage electrical equipment item person organization STRING electrical potential volt REAL family name registered name given name STRING
Equivalent vocabulary :EquipmentItem a owl:Class. :ElectricalEquipmentItem a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :EquipmentItem. :Organization a owl:Class. :ElectricalPotential a owl:Class. :manufacturer a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :EquipmentItem ; rdfs:range :Person ; rdfs:range :Organization. :serialNumber a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain :EquipmentItem. :operatingVoltage a owl:FunctionalProperty ; rdfs:domain :ElectricalEquipmentItem ; rdfs:range :ElectricalPotential. :volt a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain :ElectricalPotential.
ISO APs They are more than vocabularies –They validate the data for completeness and consistency They are linked to an activities –There are many activities, so there are many APs/Conformance Classes The APs have things in common –So there is a complicated methodology for using parts of data model But there is no vocabulary which can be used outside an AP
ISO APs Running an AP schema through an EXPRESS RDF/OWL translator does not solve this problem The APs have a complicated structure in order to impose constraints –We do not want to replicate the complexity when the constraints are not wanted
ISO validates vocabularies vocab:ElectricalEquipmentItem a iso :class_of_physical_object. vocab:serialNumber a iso :class_of_class_of_identification. vocab:operatingVoltage a iso :class_of_indirect_property. vocab:volt a iso :scale. The average user does not need to know this, but: –it shows that the vocabulary is consistent; –it facilities transfer to and from a ISO data warehouse
Where we could go next SC4 ISO many schemas with constraints for different activities complicated methodology for sharing entities ISO simple schema without constraints with philosophy (and idiosyncratic?) difficult to use for designs rather than individuals ISO simple schema with constraints for one activity core vocabulary without constraints for use on the Semantic Web ISO definition of concepts but no schema inputs
Where we could go next SC4 ISO transfer between Semantic Web and APs to validate the data published on the Web ISO the core vocabulary is part of an RDF/OWL implementation of ISO ISO part of an RDF equivalent to OntoML? core vocabulary without constraints for use on the Semantic Web ISO transfer between the Semantic Web and the various XML formats – ELCD, EcoSPOLD mapping use ? mapping
… and further in the future ISO a new version of STEP as RDF/OWL + constraints using SWRL ISO the core vocabulary is part of an RDF/OWL implementation of ISO ISO part of an RDF equivalent to OntoML? core vocabulary without constraints for use on the Semantic Web ISO transfer between the Semantic Web and the various XML formats – ELCD, EcoSPOLD ? mapping use