Geography of South Asia. South Asia Includes the countries of _______, Bangladesh, Bhutan, ______, Pakistan, and Sri ________ Includes the countries of.


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Presentation transcript:

Geography of South Asia

South Asia Includes the countries of _______, Bangladesh, Bhutan, ______, Pakistan, and Sri ________ Includes the countries of _______, Bangladesh, Bhutan, ______, Pakistan, and Sri ________ South Asia is considered to be a ___________. A subcontinent is a large landmass that is part of a continent. South Asia is considered to be a ___________. A subcontinent is a large landmass that is part of a continent. India is the largest country and the second most _________country next to China. India is the largest country and the second most _________country next to China.

More about South Asia The subcontinent is divided into 3 main geographic regions: the Northern Mountain _______, the Northern _______, and the __________Plateau. The subcontinent is divided into 3 main geographic regions: the Northern Mountain _______, the Northern _______, and the __________Plateau. Each region has distinct landforms and climates that determine how the people live. Each region has distinct landforms and climates that determine how the people live.

The Northern Mountain Rim Made up of several ________ranges Made up of several ________ranges The Himalayas and the ___________Range separate the subcontinent from the rest of Asia. The Himalayas and the ___________Range separate the subcontinent from the rest of Asia. The ________Pass allows passage between Asia and the South Asian subcontinent. The ________Pass allows passage between Asia and the South Asian subcontinent. The __________stretch 1,500 miles across India and Nepal. The __________stretch 1,500 miles across India and Nepal. Mt. _________is the highest peak in the world. Mt. _________is the highest peak in the world. The terrain in this region is rough making it difficult to farm, so few people live in this region. The terrain in this region is rough making it difficult to farm, so few people live in this region.

The Northern Plains Located between the Himalayas and southern India, includes the _________and __________River valleys. Located between the Himalayas and southern India, includes the _________and __________River valleys. Large deltas form where these 2 rivers empty into the sea. A ________is a triangular deposit of soil at the mouth of a river. Large deltas form where these 2 rivers empty into the sea. A ________is a triangular deposit of soil at the mouth of a river. The Ganges river carries __________which makes the soil good for farming. Because of the farming, this area is densely populated. The Ganges river carries __________which makes the soil good for farming. Because of the farming, this area is densely populated. In ancient times, the Indus River valley was ___________, but is now mostly desert and few people live in this region. In ancient times, the Indus River valley was ___________, but is now mostly desert and few people live in this region.

The Deccan Plateau Makes up most of India Makes up most of India The Eastern and Western Ghats mountain ranges are found here. The Eastern and Western Ghats mountain ranges are found here. Along the _________plains you can find fertile soil and water is plentiful. Along the _________plains you can find fertile soil and water is plentiful. ________people live on the Deccan Plateau than in the Northern Plains. ________people live on the Deccan Plateau than in the Northern Plains.

Island Countries The island countries are Sri Lanka and the Maldives. The island countries are Sri Lanka and the Maldives. Sri Lanka is a ________ island off the coast of India. Sri Lanka is a ________ island off the coast of India. The __________ is a group of 1,200 low, flat coral islands. People live on only about 300 of the islands though. The __________ is a group of 1,200 low, flat coral islands. People live on only about 300 of the islands though.

Monsoons ________ Asia has 3 seasons: cool, hot, and rainy ________ Asia has 3 seasons: cool, hot, and rainy June through September marks the coming of the _________ winds and the rainy season. June through September marks the coming of the _________ winds and the rainy season. Monsoons are seasonal winds that blows over the northern part of the Indian Ocean. Monsoons are seasonal winds that blows over the northern part of the Indian Ocean. In South Asia, heavy monsoon rains fall from June through October. In South Asia, heavy monsoon rains fall from June through October.

More About Monsoons School starts in India in June after the rains begin. They take their break in during the spring when it’s too hot to study. School starts in India in June after the rains begin. They take their break in during the spring when it’s too hot to study. Agriculture depends heavily on the monsoon season. Agriculture depends heavily on the monsoon season. If the monsoon comes early, farmers don’t have time to plant their seeds, and if it comes too late, the crops fail. If the monsoon comes early, farmers don’t have time to plant their seeds, and if it comes too late, the crops fail. Sometimes the rain is too much causing flooding that _________crops, damages _________, and is dangerous to people. Sometimes the rain is too much causing flooding that _________crops, damages _________, and is dangerous to people.

The Ganges Rivers The Ganges Rivers

Ganges and Yangtze Rivers Pollution

GPS SS7G10 The student will discuss environmental issues across Southern and Eastern Asia. SS7G10 The student will discuss environmental issues across Southern and Eastern Asia. a. Describe the causes and effects of pollution on the Yangtze and Ganges Rivers. a. Describe the causes and effects of pollution on the Yangtze and Ganges Rivers.

E. Q. How does pollution affect the Ganges and Yangtze Rivers and the people who live near them? How does pollution affect the Ganges and Yangtze Rivers and the people who live near them?

D. Q. What makes a river polluted? What makes a river polluted?


Ganges River - India _________ miles long (2506 km) _________ miles long (2506 km) Starts in an ice cave on the southern slopes of the Himalayas Starts in an ice cave on the southern slopes of the Himalayas Flows eastward & empties into the Bay of ________. Flows eastward & empties into the Bay of ________.

Importance of Ganges River –Farmers depend on the river for their _______. –Millions depend on river for washing, cooking, drinking & to carry away their ________. –Many worship the Ganges as a _________, whose waters will cleanse them of sin and help them attain moksha, or salvation, by carrying their ashes to heaven.

Threats to Ganges River ____________ ____________ Rapidly __________ India Rapidly __________ India –Industrial needs –Water needs

Pollution from Cities Local industries dump _______ chemicals into the river Local industries dump _______ chemicals into the river ___________ treatment plants dump raw sewage into the river ___________ treatment plants dump raw sewage into the river

Problems: nearly 1 _________ liters per day - of mostly untreated raw sewage nearly 1 _________ liters per day - of mostly untreated raw sewage Inadequate cremation procedures: Inadequate cremation procedures: –large number of partially burnt or unburnt _________ floating down the Ganga

Effects of Pollution: People suffer from skin diseases and other health problems People suffer from skin diseases and other health problems ___________farm harvests ___________farm harvests Livestock become ___________ Livestock become ___________

A woman with a skin disease rests near offerings and trash on the banks of the Ganges in Kanpur, India.

Raw sewage, shown as the darker section of water, flowing into the Ganges at Kanpur.

Effects of Pollution Numbers of animal species declining: from 126 to 52 species Numbers of animal species declining: from 126 to 52 species Causes diseases like cancer Causes diseases like cancer Drinking water of 500 cities threatened Drinking water of 500 cities threatened 3 Gorges Dam Reservoir: seriously polluted with pesticides, fertilizers and sewage from passenger boats 3 Gorges Dam Reservoir: seriously polluted with pesticides, fertilizers and sewage from passenger boats


Summary: Thinking Map Cause and Effect Flow Map Causes of Pollution on the Ganges Rivers Effects of Pollution on the Ganges Rivers