Geography Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from H1 Latitude and longitude are measured in this.
$100 Answer from H1 What are degrees?
$200 Question from H1 Geographers group places that share a unifying human or physical feature into these.
$200 Answer from H1 What are regions?
$300 Question from H1 These items are created by mapmakers, who rely on measurements made on the made on the ground.
$300 Answer from H1 What are globes?
$400 Question from H1 You need to use this to find the distance from one city to another.
$400 Answer from H1 What is the scale bar?
$500 Question from H1 These are a result of the Earth’s tilt.
$500 Answer from H1 What are the seasons?
$100 Question from H2 Most of the Earth’s surface is covered with this.
$100 Answer from H2 What is water?
$200 Question from H2 This force deep inside the Earth constantly reshapes the planet’s surface.
$200 Answer from H2 What is heat?
$300 Question from H2 This is the average weather in a place over many years.
$300 Answer from H2 What is climate?
$400 Question from H2 Of the following this one is a “push” factor: poverty, hope of better jobs, better living conditions
$400 Answer from H2 What is poverty?
$500 Question from H2 This vocabulary term means the growth of cities.
$500 Answer from H2 What is urbanization?
$100 Question from H3 Of the following three items, this one is a particular problem in developed nations: disease poor health care air, land, and water pollution
$100 Answer from H3 What are air, land, and water pollution?
$200 Question from H3 States are regions that share a common one of this.
$200 Answer from H3 What is government?
$300 Question from H3 Cultures with cities and the use of writing are known as this.
$300 Answer from H3 What are civilizations?
$400 Question from H3 This is the social unit responsible for teaching customs and traditions of a culture.
$400 Answer from H3 What is the family?
$500 Question from H3 A diagram of a compass showing directions is called this.
$500 Answer from H3 What is a compass rose?
$100 Question from H4 People who move from other countries to the United States are called this.
$100 Answer from H4 What are immigrants?
$200 Question from H4 This is how long it takes the Earth to make on full rotation on its axis.
$200 Answer from H4 What is 24 hours/one day?
$300 Question from H4 This shows the symbols and colors used on a map and what each one means.
$300 Answer from H4 What is a key or legend?
$400 Question from H4 These types of maps represent what a region looks like by showing its major physical features such as hills or plains
$400 Answer from H4 What are physical maps?
$500 Question from H4 This theme of geography answers the question, “Where is it?”
$500 Answer from H4 What is location?
$100 Question from H5 This geography theme answers the question, “How do people, goods, and ideas move from place to place?”
$100 Answer from H5 What is movement?
$200 Question from H5 The latitude line that is located halfway between the North and South Poles is called this.
$200 Answer from H5 What is the Equator?
$300 Question from H5 The Prime Meridian divides the Earth into these two hemispheres.
$300 Answer from H5 What are the eastern and western hemispheres?
$400 Question from H5 The basic, most important social unit of all societies is this.
$400 Answer from H5 What is the family?
$500 Question from H5 These types of maps shows continents, countries, and divisions within countries, such as states or provinces.
$500 Answer from H5 What are political maps?
Final Jeopardy Capitalism and Communism are examples of these.
Final Jeopardy Answer What are economic systems?