Helpful tips for easy research You do not have to read your book from cover to cover. You are using it as a reference. The best way to quickly locate your information: look at the table of contents in the front or the index in the back. Look at the map! You can easily locate oceans, rivers, and major cities!
What continent?
Major landforms? GEOGRAPHY!! Are there Deserts? Rainforests? Mountains? Plains? Swamps? Valleys? Canyons? What does your country look like?
Major bodies of water? What oceans are on its borders? Lakes? Rivers? A quick way to locate these bodies of water??? Look at a map!!
Wildlife Wild Animals normally found in your country. Also known as Fauna In the United States, moose and rattlesnakes live in the wild. Pandas and lions are only found in zoos.
Vegetation Plants and trees that normally grow wild in your country. Also known as Flora
Climate What is the weather like in your country? Average temperature? Yearly rainfall? What are the seasons like?