1 Presenter John Forrest
2 Where are we going? Is TAFE filling the void?
3 Content Introduction- Working with industry-get amongst it Looking to what is current- being relevant Up skilling Case Study Conclusion
4 Why do people go to TAFE? To improve their skills Up skilling by employers –value adding for their business
5 Working with industry TAFE should be a conduit for industry practice Reinforcing sound practice -Improving current practices
6 Responsibility to deliver for the present and the future How do you check that what you deliver is current Work with your industry Update and improve
7 Get involved Associations- field days – industry seminars Visit industry- how are they doing it Good and bad aspects
8 Skills gap analysis Training requirements What qualifications do the staff have including the boss, manager or supervisor Talk to them
9 Improve your knowledge If you feel your skills are lacking Improve them Research- satisfying Get out of your comfort zone
10 Case Study Sports and Recreation Introduction through industry associate
11 Fee for service course Short course 3 days Presentation at Northern Region conference Consultancy work in Karratha & Port Hedland- Staff training
12 Fee for service course Moora Profile course More consultancy
13 More consultancy Skills gap analysis Recognition of prior learning Trainees
14 Conclusion Review courses & structure Up skill, keep current Get involved in your industry Look for opportunities