Student Voices Student:Staff Consultative Committees
ChancellerySlide 2 Student Involvement Program Annual Review Report Program/Course Student Experience Surveys Student Advisory Committee SSCCs Student Feedback Mechanisms
ChancellerySlide 3 Role of SSCC Discussion and comments on: Issues relating to teaching, learning and assessment Issues related to course/program structure, workload, teaching methods, access to resources and facilities, timetabling or class sizes Issues relating to administration Matters related to social and general issues of life on campus Systemic issues that need to be addressed by the School, Portfolio or University Good practice and improvements Recommendations for improvements in SSCC procedure and practice.
ChancellerySlide 4 Composition of SSCC Head of School or Program Leader or Co-ordinator who calls and chairs the meetings Teaching staff in the program Students drawn for each year level of the program Number of students equal to number of staff members
ChancellerySlide 5 SSCC Meetings Meet at least twice per semester First meeting to be held no later that the end of the fourth week of classes Additional meetings possible and can be requested by either Chairperson or at least half the student members on committee
ChancellerySlide 6 Training for SSCC Student Rep RMIT LEAD is responsible for providing training for student representatives. Students register by Training of student representatives takes place early in each semester, and wherever possible prior to the first meeting of SSCC Students are provided with a copy of the Student Representation Information Kit produced by the RMIT Student Union. Training usually runs for 3 hours Past SSCC training participants note common problems and solutions for how to run effective Student Staff Consultative Committees and the best ways to gain feedback from other students and strategies to make sure that the concerns you raise are put into action Training includes communication skills, meeting procedures and A little about the structure of RMIT, and where SSCC's fit in
ChancellerySlide 7 Student Advisory Committee Provides advice to Pro Vice Chancellor Students Predominantly student based drawing its members from the Student Staff Consultative Committees that reflects a range of student views on matters related to the student experience and balance of student and staff contributions to discussions Addresses matters that arise in student feedback and in program-based Student Staff Consultative Committees that are not related to programs but to other aspects of the student experience. Supported by training focussed on effective committee membership of student members of Student Staff Consultative Committees thereby providing a pool of students able to contribute effectively to a university level committee and develop their leadership capacities
ChancellerySlide 8 Membership of Student Advisory Committee Pro Vice-Chancellor (Students) (Chair of the Committee) Academic Registrar, or nominee Director of Student Services Group, or nominee University Librarian, or nominee Nominee endorsed by Academic Board and BOTS Four students nominated from each academic Portfolio [3] from the group of Student Staff Consultative Committee members. At least one TAFE student, one undergraduate student and one postgraduate student should be nominated. Consideration should be given to gender balance and campus location and nominated students should reflect the diversity of the student population including international. Students should be nominated by the Pro Vice-Chancellor of each academic Portfolio. Four student representatives nominated by RMIT student organisations. Leaders of business units whose activities impact on the student experience will be invited to contribute to the Committee as appropriate.