2009 Savannah River Site Aiken, SC th Quarter CY05
Page 2 Collective Total Effective Dose Equivalent (Person-rem) Maximum Individual (rem) Personnel Contamination Events (per 200,000 RWP Man-hrs) Skin Personal Effects Internal Exposure > 100 mrem CEDE > 500 mrem CEDE Exposure QTR Actual CY Actual CY Goal < <3* 00 0N/A 000 *FY Combined Skin + Personnel Effects. 1 LWO 2nd Qtr Maximum Individual (rem) Savannah River Site Radiological Protection Department Radiological Performance Indicators 2nd Quarter CY09 0
Page 3 Tritium Programs H-Area Material Disposition (HBL/HCA) F-Area Closure Project Laboratories Solid Waste ACP & Miscellaneous (SGW/SDD/INF) Nuclear Materials Storage Project (K &L) SRNL WSI Waste Solidification Projects Liquid Waste Disposition Projects SRS Total Cumulative Exposure (rem ) Base Routine Operations Total Special Work Operations 1 st Quarter 2 nd Quarter 3 rd Quarter 4 th Quarter Max. Individual Exposure Goal (mrem) Personnel Contamination Events Personal Effects and Skin Events per 200,000 RWP Man-hrs CY09 ALARA Goal Summary Notes: 1)WSI-Base Routine Operations is the total dose estimate from all facilities and is not added back into the total Site goal. 2)DOE-SR ACL – 150 mrem 500 Savannah River Site Radiological Protection Department Radiological Performance Indicators 2nd Quarter CY
Page 4 Site Cumulative Exposure vs. Goal (YTD) Organization Exposure (rem) YTD Goal YTD Exposure M&O LWOSRNL WSI Radiological Performance Indicators 2nd Quarter CY09 Savannah River Site Radiological Protection Department 75 SITE M&O Maximum Whole Body YTD Exposure CY09 Facility Exposure TEDE (mrem) SWBG K-Area SWBG K-Area SWBG K-Area SWBG ACLFacility Exposure TEDE (mrem) HTF Z-Area HTF Z-Area HTF Z-Area Project LWO Maximum Whole Body YTD Exposure CY09 Project SWM NMM SWM NMM SWM NMM SWM 500 ACL Liquid Waste Waste Solidification Liquid Waste Waste Solidification Liquid Waste Waste Solidification 22.3
Page 5 Savannah River Site Radiological Protection Department Radiological Performance Indicators 2nd Quarter CY09 H-Area Material Disposition YTD GoalYTD Exposure Exposure (rem) F-Area Closure Project YTD GoalYTD Exposure Exposure (rem) 0 Central Laboratories YTD GoalYTD Exposure Exposure (rem) Nuclear Materials Management YTD GoalYTD Exposure Exposure (rem) 2 WSI YTD GoalYTD Exposure Exposure (rem)
Page 6 Liquid Waste & Waste Solidification Projects YTD GoalYTD Exposure Exposure (rem) ACP/INF/Misc YTD GoalYTD Exposure Exposure (rem) SRNL YTD GoalYTD Exposure Exposure (rem) 1.0 Savannah River Site Radiological Protection Department Radiological Performance Indicators 2nd Quarter CY09 40 Tritium Programs YTD GoalYTD Exposure Exposure (rem) Solid Waste YTD GoalYTD Exposure Exposure (rem)
Page 7 Table of Corresponding ORPS Reports ORPS Number CriteriaDate 1)EM-SR-WSRC-SW&I-2008-NR01*6C3/6/08 Savannah River Site Radiological Protection Department Radiological Performance Indicators 2nd Quarter CY09 M&O Internal Exposure Occurrences Cases > 100 mrem Cases > 500 mrem stQ2ndQ3rdQ4thQ1stQ2ndQ3rdQ4thQ1stQ2ndQ3rdQ4thQ * Dose identified in 1 st Qtr and assigned to 3 rd Qtr
Page 8 Table of Corresponding ORPS Reports ORPS NumberCriteriaDate Savannah Rive Site Radiological Protection Department Radiological Performance Indicators 2nd Quarter CY09 LWO Internal Exposure Occurrences Cases > 100 mrem Cases > 500 mrem stQ2ndQ3rdQ4thQ1stQ2ndQ3rdQ4thQ1stQ2ndQ3rdQ4thQ
Page 9 Table of Corresponding ORPS Event Reports* ORPS Number CriteriaDate 1)EM-SR-WSRC-LTA )EM-SR-SRNS-SRNL (2 cases) 3)EM-SR-SRNL-CPWM )EM-SR-SRNS-HBLINE D3 4/21/08 9/5/08 9/25/08 11/24/08 Savannah River Site Radiological Protection Department Radiological Performance Indicators 2nd Quarter CY09 There were 10 non-ORPS reportable contamination events in FY2008 (Oct 07-Sept 08). There are 5 non-ORPS events in FY2009 (Oct 08-Sept 09) M&O Personnel Contamination Events (Skin and Personal Effects) Number of Events Skin 0010 Personal Effects stQ2ndQ3rdQ4thQ1stQ2ndQ3rdQ4thQ
Page 10 Table of Corresponding ORPS Event Reports* ORPS Number CriteriaDate EM-SR-WSRC-WVIT D3 2/29/08 Savannah Rive Site Radiological Protection Department Radiological Performance Indicators 2nd Quarter CY09 There were 4 non-ORPS reportable contamination events in FY2008 (Oct 07-Sept 08). There is 1 non ORPS event in FY2009 (Oct 08-Sept 09) LWO Personnel Contamination Events (Skin and Personal Effects) Number of Events Skin 1000 Personal Effects stQ2ndQ3rdQ4thQ1stQ2ndQ3rdQ4thQ