Hardware Management in Windows XP
Device Manager Overview of device manager list of devices and status (example)example driver details and upgrade (example)example Plug and Play and device drivers BIOS and OS see new device and assign resources, install drivers If Windows does not have a driver: asks for disk/CD Managing unsigned drivers use Sigverif.exe for a list of unsigned driversSigverif.exe search windows\system32\drivers directory Windows behavior for unsigned drivers (example)example
System Restore How it works System Restore consists of two parts, file monitoring and restore point management.consists of two parts Restore points contains: snapshot of the registry and certain dynamic system files. an unsigned driver causes a restore point. automatic updates causes a restore point. monitors program/system files not user data (file types)file types you can turn off monitoring in specific drives containing only data (example)example More details in this MS articleMS article
Performance Management Using the performance monitor introduction (last class meeting) introduction setting counters to identify problem areas CPU usage:Processor % processor time > 80% new CPU CPU usage Page file: Paging File % usage > 70% increase Page file Memory : Memory pages/sec >20 more RAM Memory Memory pool: Server pool nonpaged failures Memory pool Disk: Physical Disk % disk time >> Physical Disk disk bytes/sec < 20 K Disk Network: Network Interface bytes total/sec Network Using task manager for a quick summary
Web support Basic sites Microsoft support: general, knowledge base, home PCs, Office, TechNet, Windows Vistageneralknowledge base home PCsOfficeTechNetWindows Vista Generic sites: Computing.net, Cnet, DriverGuide.com(members), Tom’s Hardware Guide Computing.netCnet DriverGuide.commembersTom’s Hardware Guide Linux support: Fedora, HOWTOs, Linux in Laptops, Linux System Admin Guide FedoraHOWTOsLinux in LaptopsLinux System Admin Guide Magazines PCWorld, PC Magazine, Cnet news, InfoWorld, ComputerWorld, Slashdot, Linux Journal, PCWorldPC MagazineCnet newsInfoWorld ComputerWorldSlashdotLinux Journal