Which RescueNet Reports should I routinely Run Donna Magnuson A/R Consultant
This presentation…… The reports discussed are included in the RN Professional Reporting Package If you have the package you have these reports, the webinar doesn’t include custom reports If you have several companies, some of these reports aren’t as helpful
We will discuss some reporting for downloading and manipulating in Excel aren’t included in presentation The webinar written assuming you know how to run and download reports AR Consulting services either remotely or on-site are available if you want to learn more, contact Donna Magnuson at
Agenda Pre-billing Reporting Productivity Reporting Post-billing Reporting Misc
Let’s get started
Pre-billing Reporting
Daily and Monthly Trip Volumes – what does it tell us? Know you number of transports per day Helps you to staff appropriately Payor mix Forecasts revenue Reveals front-end efforts
Pre-billing Reporting Reports to use for daily/monthly trip volumes Reporting>General>Trip Related>Counts>Trip Count by Date/Call Type Reporting>Billing>Trends>Trip Count by Primary Payor Type or Trip Count by Primary Payor Category
Pre-billing Reporting Trip Count by Date/Call Type - Daily Trip date = Enter range, shows each day Status = Billed, Closed, Complete, Verified Don’t need to separate call types, the report lists them separately
Trip Count by Date/Call Type The report will include all Companies unless you assign restrictions. There is a bug on the report, if you include all, the report only shows the first company.
Pre-billing Reporting Trip Count by Primary Payor Type or Trip Count by Primary Payor Category - Monthly If you assigned Payor Categories, then run the Payor Category report a more specific grouping Trip date = Enter range Status = Billed, Closed, Complete, Verified Run by Call Type, if services are mixed, i.e. wheelchair and stretcher
Trip Count by Payor Category/Type Will list each Company’s totals separate with all Companies combined on the last page The blank are trips that don’t have a Payor assigned to them, most likely Complete trips
Trip Count by Payor Category/Type
You can add information in Excel to help evaluate the data
Pre-billing Reporting Trips to Bill (Trips at a Complete status) – What does it tell us? Reconciliation Accounts for all trips; trips not billed, trips previously billed, trips with issues Trips with Issues and Missing Information If you currently don’t use a schedule to hold these I recommend doing so Makes it clear from a workflow and reporting perspective why a trip hasn’t been billed
Pre-billing Reporting Reporting>Billing>Trends>Trip Count/Amount by Schedule/Event - Daily Trip date = Don’t enter a trip date, you want all trips except for extenuating circumstances Status = Complete
Trip Count/Amount by Schedule/Event
Pre-billing Reporting Here is a good example of a Missing Info schedule
Pre-billing Reporting Anything that ends up at Account Review, Supervisor Review, etc. are accounts that have previously been billed and were inadvertently reset to complete
Pre-billing Reporting Combine data from these reports to determine Billing Lag Days (BLD) Average number of days it takes to bill a trip Forces reconciliation and management of billing issues Takes into consideration ALL trips at a Complete status
Pre-billing Reporting How to calculate Total number of trips at a complete status divided by the average number of transports per day Use both of these reports Reporting>General>Trip related>Counts>Trip Count by Date/Call Type Reporting>Billing>Trends>Trip Count/Amount by Schedule/Event
Pre-billing Reporting Run the Trip Count by Date/Call Type for the previous full month and determine daily average I normally divide by a work week since billers don’t routinely work weekends Take the total from trips at a complete status, if you have a Refund schedule, exclude the Refunds Trips at a Complete Status =1100, Avg trips/day =119 Billing Lag Day – 1100/119 = 9.24
Pre-billing Reporting Reporting>Billing>Trends>Forms Activity by Day – Daily/Weekly Sending electronic and paper claim/invoices regularly promotes consistent cash flow Form Processed Date = Select Date Include “Print Single” Forms? = Do not include Print Single Form Activity Can filter by Schedule, Payor, or Payor Category
Forms Activity by Day
Productivity Reporting
Provides objective data to evaluate staff Keeps the entire billing process consistent When used in conjunction with Transports/Day, you can determine staffing Compare the number of transports per day against the number of trips pre-billed and billed per day
Productivity Reporting Reports to monitor productivity Reporting>Billing>Trends>Trips Verified by Biller by Day Reporting>Billing>Trends>Payment Credit by User Post Date Reporting>Billing>Collections> Notes Activity Report (Detail)
Productivity Reporting Trips Verified by Biller by Day – Daily/Weekly Verified Date = Select Date Range Downloads nicely to Excel Displays the number of distinct trips verified per day by user, if verified multiple times in one day, trip will only be counted once Does show follow-up activity if the user changes primary payor and re-verifies a trip
Trips Verified by Biller by Day
Productivity Reporting Payment Credit by User Post Date - Daily/Weekly Post Date = Select Date Range Credits = Payment Credits Downloads nicely to Excel Displays the count and amount of payments entered per user per day
Payment Credits by User Post Date
Productivity Reporting Notes Activity Report (Detail) - Daily/Weekly Note Date = Select Date Range User = Can select specific users Note Type = Set up note types so you can track separate functions; Pre-bill, Follow-up, Customer Service The details are included so you can audit the notes entered by the users Record the daily productivity in Excel
Notes Activity Report (Detail)
Post Billing Reporting
Post-Billing Reporting Reports to manage Post-Billing (Follow-up) Reporting>Billing>Trends>Aging by Schedule and Event Sorted Desc Reporting>Billing>Trends>Trip Count/Amount by Schedule/Event Reporting>Billing>Aging> Aging Summary by Current Payor (Trip Date) Reporting>Billing>Trends>Trend – Denial Reason by Deposit Date Month Reporting>Billing>Accounts Receivable> A/R Analysis:Payment Credits Reporting>Billing>Accounts Receivable> Activity Summary
Post-Billing Reporting Aging by Schedule and Event Sorted Desc - Monthly Example1 – Calculate AR>90 Days Schedule=exclude any Refund schedule Don’t select a date range Sorts by schedule with the highest balance descending
Post-Billing Reporting Aging by Schedule and Event Sorted Desc Continued Go to the totals page, add all the buckets after 90 days and divide into the total.
Post-Billing Reporting 62, , , , = 504, , / 1,048, =.48 or 48% Benchmark AR>90 = 18-25%
Aging by Schedule and Event Sorted Desc
Post-Billing Reporting Aging by Schedule and Event Sorted Desc - Monthly Example2 – Follow-up isolated Status=Billed Schedule=exclude any Refund schedule Events=excludes No Bill Sent, all of events that start with “Sent” Don’t select a date range Sorts by schedule with the highest balance descending
Aging by Schedule and Event Sorted Desc
Post-Billing Reporting Trip Count/Amount by Schedule/Event - Monthly Status=Billed Schedule=exclude any Refund schedule Events=excludes No Bill Sent, all of events that start with “Sent” Don’t select a date range Displays the number of trips that need follow- up effort
Trip Count/Amount by Schedule/Event You may have to tweak some based on your Schedule structure. Shows only trip on the events that require follow-up
Post-Billing Reporting Aging Summary by Current Payor (Trip Date) - Monthly Status=Billed Schedule=exclude any Refund schedule Don’t select a date range This report will group the data by Company Download into Excel and sort descending by balance
Aging Summary by Current Payor (Trip Date)
Post-Billing Reporting Something about Aging Reports – when you attempt to balance them to the Aging in Closer You can only balance reports that has the “As Of” box appear Only the Grand Total will balance The individual aging buckets will not balance to the Closer Aging
Post-Billing Reporting Trend – Denial Reason by Deposit Date Month - Monthly Deposit Date = Enter date range, reports by mo This report will group the data by Company Displays the top 6 denials Determine the most common and make improvements on front-end if applicable
Trend – Denial Reason by Deposit Date Month
Post-Billing Reporting A/R Analysis:Payment Credits - Monthly This report will separate the data by Company When prompted enter the data in the following format; The reports goes back 12 months from the date entered Shows the timeliness that you receive payments for a particular month Compares against Gross Charges
A/R Analysis:Payment Credits
Post-Billing Reporting Activity Summary- Monthly Can be run a couple of different ways….. Select the previous positive period to see the previous months charge and credit activity Includes charges with a trip date coinciding with the period assigned Includes credits with a deposit date coinciding with the period assigned Select only a trip date to see the total charges for that period and all of the coinciding credits specific to the trip month
Post-Billing Reporting Lastly…………. Look at your closer reports, particularly Closing Balance Summary Credit Summary, last page Payor Summary
Misc Reporting
Reporting>Billing>Charges>Daily Billings Select a Date Range Can restrict by Payor System ID = Payor Type Shows MTD and YTD running totals
Daily Billings
Misc Reporting Reporting>Billing>Miscellaneous>Submission Batch Report (Current Balance) Select a Batch Can select a previous months Medicare Batch and the report will sow the current balance It is a good resource to use if you think that am entire batch didn’t get paid or to confirm that most of the trips from a batch did get paid
Submission Batch Report (Current Balance) It shows all credits, but if all the balances are lower $30-$80 you know you received payment. You can also run for one batch and download into Excel if you want to tie down a payor in a clearinghouse batch
Misc Reporting Reporting>Administration>Denial Reasons Run the report Download into Excel Can sort by description or code
Denial Reasons
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