Unshakeable Truth Truth One - God Exists Truth Two - God’s Word Truth Three - Original Sin Truth Four - God Became Human Truth Five - Christ’s Atonement for Sin Truth Six - Justification through Faith Truth Seven - Living the Transformed Life Truth Eight – Jesus’ Bodily Resurrection Truth Nine - The Trinity Truth Ten - God’s Kingdom Truth Eleven – The Church Truth Twelve - The Return of Christ
A Lie to Reject “YOLO” A Truth to Embrace “God has promised to renew each of his children to his original design and restore this earth to what it once was.” You Only Live Once
“God has promised to renew each of his children to his original design and restore this earth to what it once was” The Biblical argument: "Unlike us, God can restore what has been ruined, both the physical creation and our broken relationships” Romans 8:21,22 “God will do more than just restore the earth to its pristine and perfect condition; he will restore us as well” Romans 8:23 The restoration includes all things Acts 3:21 “God’s perfect plan is “to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ” (Ephesians 1:10 NIV).”
“God has promised to renew each of his children to his original design and restore this earth to what it once was” “Theologian Randy Alcorn in his book Heaven puts it this way: There will be one cosmos, one universe united under one Lord—forever. This is the unstoppable plan of God. This is where history is headed. When God walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden, Earth was Heaven’s backyard. The New Earth will even be more than that—it will be Heaven itself. And those who know Jesus will have the privilege of living there”
Evidence for Life After Death The logical arguments: “Eternity planted in the human heart.” “Virtually every culture from the very dawning of civilization has believed in a life beyond the grave in which some type of soul survives death of the body”
Evidence for Life After Death The logical arguments: “Free will of the soul” “If materialism is true, then a human being is simply a body. If you are solely a material system, then you have no inner self that has the capacity to choose freely between options”
Evidence for Life After Death The logical arguments: “Near death experiences” “These experiences demonstrate that consciousness continues after the body ceases to function. This doesn’t prove that life continues forever after death, but they do show that consciousness is not tied simply to the physical body”
Evidence for Life After Death The logical arguments: “Reality of the unseen world" ““The idea of multiple dimensions is part of a powerful new approach to physics called string theory…”
"Life Change" "Living in the Joy of God" "His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master" Matthew 25:21
"Life Change" "Living in the Joy of God" Experiencing God's relational joy: “When God invites you to enter into his joy, he is allowing you to share a relational experience that has previously been beyond your emotional ability to comprehend”
"Life Change" "Living in the Joy of God" Experiencing God's creative joy: “While we will experience God’s relational joy, we will also thrill at literally experiencing the New Earth God is preparing for us”
"Life Change" "Living in the Joy of God" 4 Steps 1.The joy of God is a fruit of the spirit. Galatians 5:22,23 2.The joy of God is not dependent on circumstances. Romans 8:28
"Life Change" "Living in the Joy of God" 4 Steps 3.The joy of God always involves a choice. Galatians 5:22,23 4. The joy of God is a command. Philippians 4:4