Women in the Enlightenment Ideas of “free and equal” did not apply to women Did have natural rights but it was limited to area of home and family Mary Wollestonecraft, english writer Identified two major flaws with the enlightenment ideas Enlightenment based on ideal of reason in all humans, because women have reason they should be equal. Gov’t based on the arbitrary power of monarchs was wrongl the power of men over women is equally wrong Womens first duty was to be a good mother but should be able to decide what was in their own best interest.
New Economic Thinking Adam Smith – “Wealth of Nations” Founder of modern economics If individuals were free to persue their own economic self interests, all society would benefit Supply and demand Gov’t should not interfere Laissez faire approach-hands off 3 roles of gov’t Protect from invasion Defend people from injustice Maintain common goods
Enlightenment Spreads Section 2 Objectives: students will be able to; Describe how enlightenment affected arts and literature Understand how philosophees influences enlightened despots Why enlightenment ideas were slow to reach most Europeans How is history spead?
Enlightenment ideas were so popular that’ some absolute monarchs tried to implement ideas Most taken back when they began to threaten established order
New ideas challenge society During the middle, devine right rule was widley accepted Strict class system Heavenly reward for earthly suffering In the age of reason this idea seemed irrationsl a just society should ensure social justice and happiness in this world Which philosphe would disagree?
Censorship- restriction access to ideas Most gov’t and churches felt that they had a duty to protect the old way of doing things. “God set up old order” Officials used censorship Prisoned writers Burned books, pamphlets etc… Many disguised ideas as themes in works of fiction Met in salons Informal social gatherings used to spread ideas Usually secret meetings….Why? Can we think of any modern day salons?
Arts and Literature play major role Art and architecture was vased ib a style called baroque