Innovations/Inventions during the 70’s By: Prathamesh, Webb, and Ben
Floppy Disk Invented in 1972, the Floppy Disk is a disk storage medium composed of a disk of thin and flexible magnetic storage sealed in a plastic carrier lined with fabric. It was the premier source of portable storage during its time. It’s decline began as other methods of storage such as CD-ROMs proved to be more efficient and effective as well as offering a greater storage capacity.
Inkjet-Laser Printer/ Dot Matrix Printer Inkjet printing is when the printer is sent an image from the computer then the ink cartridge inside propels drops of ink onto the paper, or plastic to create the same image. Gary starkweather created the inkjet laser printer in Dot matrix printing is a type of computer printing is when the printer scans the page in a side by side or an up and down motion using a print head then prints using a cloth ribbon soaked with ink striking the page. Robert Howard invented the dot-matrix printer in Inkjet-laser printer ==> dot matrix printer ==>
Microprocessor a Microprocessor contains all the functions of a central processing unit of a computer In 1971 Intel introduced the world's first chip microprocessor Prior to the Microprocessor, the processor before it used to take up an entire room, and was not portable. This invention was far superior to its prior model, the Intel 4004 can fit in your pocket and hold the same amount of data as its prior model.
LCD Screens (liquid crystal display) LCDs are able to hide and reveal hidden words and digits on computers, TVs, and calculators. LCDs are a flat display that could be visual, electronic, video, or panel display that uses light properties from liquid crystals. LCDs are able to display fixed images which can be seen or hidden as digits on old computers, calculator, and digital clocks. George H. Heilmeier discovered the optics with liquid crystals in 1964.
Pong Pong, invented in 1972, is one of the first computer game and its conception is known to have revolutionized gaming It was extremely successful in commercial sales Due to its extreme popularity and critical acclaim, other companies began to produce games similar to or innovating upon pong As the commercial potential of video games became apparent, the quality and capacity of games rapidly advanced
Sony Walkman The Sony Walkman came out in 1979 The sony walkman is the first portable cassette player. Introduced a change in music listening habits by allowing people to carry recorded music with them and listen to music through lightweight headphones. Nobutoshi Kihara, an engineer for Sony; is credited for creating the Walkman. often nicknamed “Mr. Walkman”
Sony During the 1970’s Sony was notorious for creating electronics. They created various designs of Radios, as Well as cassette Players. Sony was the first Japanese company to list shares on the NYC stock exchange. TR-1825
IBM IBM innovated many computer related inventions in the 1900’s overall They contributed to the floppy disk in the 1970’s and other inventions