Title: Magic Tree House: Seasons Of The Sandstorms Author: Mary Pope Osborne Date/Year Published: 2005 Genre: Fiction Name: Ricky Torres Class Period:7 th
Setting The story start in their house. Then goes into the desert. But then it really has multiple settings because they start moving from place to place in the desert. Its in the period of the Egyptian type of time.
Characters Jack: wears glasses, has brown hair, likes adventures, never is in a sad mood, likes to read, and has brown eyes. Annie: has blond hair, likes adventures, is very happy going, has brown eyes.
Plot: Conflict Jack and Annie go on another “Merlin Mission” and Merlin gives them a rhyme. But in the rhyme it says that they have to finish the mission before the moon rises.
Plot: Resolution Jack and Annie go step by step in what the rhyme said. Then they meet the Bedouin tribe and learn there ways to solve the rhyme.
Your Opinion To me the book wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t the worst. It had parts that were interesting and parts that were a little boring.
About the Author 1.When she was a little girl she was scared of a lot of things (bugs, spiders)\ 2.She moved around a lot because she was a daughter of a military family 3.She was a theatre geek in high school 4.Went to college at the University Of Caroline at Chapel Hill 5.Attended a musical about Jesse James
5 Test Questions I.Who is Merlin ? II.What did Jack and Annie do to figure out how to solve the rhyme ? III.Who are Teddy and Katherine ? IV.What are “Merlin Missions” ? V.Did Jack and Annie like the adventure ?
Summary Jack and Annie travel back in time to the desert to the Middle East at the behest of Merlin who has given them a rhyme to help their mission. They meet the Bedouin tribe and learn their ways.