EDUC 894 Week 1
Class Introductions What is Research? Syllabus, Assignments & Technology Support Dinner Break Getting Going with Your Research ◦ Brainstorming Research Projects ◦ Forming Research Teams Traditions of Research ◦ The Miner, The Traveler & the Activist Image Sources:
Who are we and where are we going?
Pick some in the class who you don’t know as much about as you could Find out some key information about them (see next slide) Introduce them to the class
Name (what you preferred to be called) MA/MEd What was the biggest / most important / most interesting thing you learned in EDUC 864? What are you interested in researching? Is there a particular research approach you feel more or less comfortable with? What do you hope to get out of this course?
What is Research?
A systematic process of collecting and analyzing data to increase our understanding of something by answering specific questions Many different things to different people ◦ What is your image of research?image What you are going to be doing this semester ◦ So what does the research process look like?look like
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Identify the Research Problem Review the Literature Report and Evaluate Research Specify a Research Purpose Collect Data Analyze and Interpret Data Image Source: Supporting Resources for Creswell (2008) Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research, 3 rd edition
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Identify the Research Problem Review the Literature Report and Evaluate Research Specify a Research Purpose Collect Data Analyze and Interpret Data Image Source: Supporting Resources for Creswell (2008) Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research, 3 rd edition Obtain access to participants Write and hone RQs Select Methodology Create and pilot instruments Get Ethics Board Approval
Syllabus, Assignments & Technology Support
Let’s Eat!
Brainstorming Research Projects & Forming Research Teams
A good research problem is: ◦ Interesting ◦ Important ◦ Novel A good research question: ◦ Has an appropriate scope ◦ Is answerable (based on inferences from data) ◦ Corresponds with your research approach Research Topic Research Problem Research Purpose Research Question(s)
Read and discuss Crotty & Firestone ◦ Try really really hard to pretend that Firestone is saying “objectivist / constructionist” not “quantitative / qualitatitve” ◦ Discuss the questions related to epistemological stance that I’ve posted on the course wiki Jump into your project! ◦ Establish group processes and technologies ◦ Start moving from having a research topic to a specific research problem ◦ Think about what pre-planning you need to do to get access to subjects & take action